Tea in Cup with Background

Essential Oils For Summer

Spring is past, and Summer is upon us. The changing seasons, rise in temperatures and longer days bring with them all the beautiful things that nature has to offer. Along with this, however, comes all the things that many of us are allergic to: pollen, weeds, insects, flowers, etc. If you, like so many others, are being hit in the senses by summer time and all the joys

Why Essential Oils

Why Essential Oils?

Essential oils are wonderful, and are something that is easily able to be in every home. They are, essentially, natural oils which have been used for decades for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritual and emotional uplifting properties. They come in a large variety of types and aromas, and they not only smell amazing, some are also great for you, too.

Gold Boat

Join Organic Aromas on a Journey of Discovery!!!

Aromatherapy is a truly wondrous thing. So beautiful and so powerful, essentials oils are an incredible part of our natural environment.

Organic Aromas was created to explore and discover the little known secrets and to unlock the potential of these unique organic compounds. The mystique has sent us to the four corners of the globe in search of something new!
This journey has given birth to our spiritual guide.