3 Natural Ways to Reduce Fatigue
If you find that you wake up in the morning and you lack the energy you need to conquer your day, then you may be suffering from fatigue. Fatigue is also known as tiredness and exhibits itself in the form of a lack of motivation, mental exhaustion, and physical exhaustion.
Fatigue can affect all aspects of your life and may be caused by a number of different factors.
What Causes Fatigue?
Fatigue can be caused by poor blood supply to the tissues of the body, an illness that affects your metabolism, infections, inflammatory diseases, and can even be a side effect due to certain medications. It can also be caused by depression, the lack of physical exercise, or even poor habits and routines.
Before you begin to treat fatigue, you should narrow down the cause to find the best treatment for your situation.
The Symptoms of Fatigue
Fatigue can cause many symptoms that include physical, mental and emotional signs and symptoms like the following:
- Chronic tiredness
- A persistent headache
- Weakness in the muscles
- Impaired ability to make decisions
- Irritability and agitation
- Sore muscles
- Lack of energy
- Slower than normal reflexes and responses
Natural Ways to Fight Fatigue
If you are one of a million people that suffer from chronic fatigue, then you should consider some of the more natural approaches to treating it.
Sleep and Exercise
Fatigue often causes disturbed and complex sleep patterns which cause you to not get enough sleep. It is recommended that we get at least eight solid hours of sleep each night so increasing the amount of time you dedicate to sleep and improving the quality of sleep can help you begin to fight off your fatigue.
Exercising regularly and getting into a routine to do so can also help. Start out slowly and then as you exercise more and more, you can gradually begin to increase the duration and the type of exercise you do. Stretching and exercising are also good to combat the symptoms associated with fatigue like sore and achy muscles.
Incorporate Essential Oils into Your Life
Essential oils found in lemons, oranges, and limes are all great ways to help combat fatigue and will help keep your mind focused and elevate your mood. When you get up in the morning add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your nebulizing diffuser too boost your energy levels and clear your mind. It can be more effective and longer lasting than a cup of coffee.
Essential oils can also help boost your energy in the middle of the day. If you find yourself losing fuel fast and need a natural and effective way to increase your energy without sugar or caffeine then take a moment for a quick therapy session from your Mobile-mini battery operated aromatherapy diffuser.
Ginseng has an extensive history and is one of the most popular healing herbs used in Chinese culture. Ginseng balances hormones produced by the adrenal gland that help the body cope with stress. It also regulates the cortisol in the body helping us rest more peacefully and comfortably. It seems to give us a boost of energy which is very effective at fighting off fatigue.
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I purchased a Magnificent Nebulizer Diffuser awhile back. After about 6 months of use it stopped working.
Please advise.
Fun Post!
These are great tips! I definitely need to use them. The only problem I have is not being able to sleep more than 5 hours no matter what time I go to bed.
Simply Amazing!
I want to try these. I’m always tired.
Thank you for the wonderful tips. I do have an issue with fatigue. I will try the ginseng and essential oils to see if they help.
Citrus essential oils always boost my energy and motivation.
I always experience fatigue everyday and what I did was to drink coffee, eat sweets and drink vitamins in order to survive the day. I was merely wrong not to think of natural ways to cope with it. Thanks for the information and tips on how to combat fatigue everyday.
thank you so much for sharing with us this information, I have yet to try some of these essential oils out, do hope so in the near future.
Thanks for the advice, great post
Thanks for sharing, very useful
This looks fantastic. So many useful ideas. I’m so tired constantly the ginseng is a great idea x
Interesting article thankyou for your information
Thank you for sharing. I would love something like this for myself. Sounds wonderful.!!
I have every one of these symptoms, I really need this
I am very glad to read about Natural Ways to Fight Fatigue. I am having problems with fatigue at this time and will try some suggestions.
I found a lot of different uses from your blog
I learned a lot from your page
Learned a lot from this blog! Will continue to educate myself and others as more blogs are read. Thankyou!
Ginseng is something I havent tried or thought of,this was very helpful,Ive had fatgue for years.
Plenty. Of. Rest. Quiet.
good information I need to get some Ginseng
A very useful guide…thats why i love blogs like this thank you
really interesting read thank you,i’ll be giving this a try
Definitely going to be using some of these tips great article!
Did not know about ginseng for fatigue.
Alot of helpful info.Thank you so much!
I have fibromyalgia and suffer from sleep deprivation, the medications I have been prescribed for fibromyalgia have all had side effects, and the sleeping prescriptions all made me feel like a was in a dreamlike state when awake, I will be trying these oils suggested. Ty for the information.
Some great tips here, thank you. I love the idea of adding lemon essential oil in the morning. And didn’t know Ginseng was helpful in balancing hormones.
Had no idea ginseng was so helpful
love this article I really need to try this
Thank you for these great informations!
Lots of helpful advice.
This is a really useful post. Thanks.
I need this! (yawning as I type)
I love the refreshing scents of any citrus!
Thanks for the information. I plan on incorporating essential oils
Thank you for these great informations!
Great timing as my little girl has badly injured her leg so we haven’’t been sleeping very well.
taking care of yourself first is the most important thing you can do
I learned a lot ..thanks
Thanks for the info sounds good
I have all the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Thanks for all the useful information. It is so hard to get enough sleep at night I want to check out the use of essential oils further. I love that I might be able to get some help naturally.
I have really been wanting to try the oils for a while now, I am gonna break down and purchase a few. I have fibromyalgia and chronic pain and am definitely sleep deprived I think I would definitely benefit from using, Also any natural remedies would be much better than being medicated. Thanks so much for sharing!
Great information. I like usually natural ways instead of taking medication.
I know I don’t get enough sleep and I don’t know how at 2:00 in the afternoon I can be so sleepy I just want to lie down but then at 11:30 I have a hard time falling asleep. Maybe I need more lavender oil in my life.