DIY Toothpaste Make Your Minty Fresh Toothpaste

DIY Toothpaste – Make Your Own Minty Fresh Toothpaste

Save money, feel great and reduce contact with toxic chemicals by making your own DIY toothpaste.

Not only is this easy, but it takes just five minutes.
Most often, the ingredients you need are right inside your home already. Most people have grown up thinking they cannot do without commercial toothpaste, but this dubious concoction is made up of toxic chemicals that are harmful if ingested.
Furthermore, there is no proof that toothpaste sold by big companies is more effective or better for you than this simple method. Try something equally effective and completely natural!?

Basic Ingredients:

Baking Soda – is an acid reducer, a mild abrasive and it does reduce stains

Water (best is distilled; if you live in an urban area your water is likely to have both fluoride and minerals already in it!)

Coconut Oil – is an anti-oxidant that can create that gooey consistency you’re used to and can add a delicate taste you are likely familiar with

Sea Salt – can help whiten teeth, is a mild abrasive and helps reduce gum swelling

Essential Oil – try Peppermint, Spearmint or Cinnamon


DIY Toothpaste


Makes 5 ounces of toothpaste.

1. Baking soda is the primary ingredient. In a small bowl add 6- 8 tablespoons of baking soda

2. Next, add a small amount of water in spurts to create the right consistency.

3. Slowly add a little pure virgin coconut oil until you reach the ideal texture.

4. You will need less than half a teaspoon of salt. Start with a smidgen and add more later. Salt in toothpaste is actually very good for you.

5. Add pure essential oil for flavor. You will only need about 6 – 8 drops per ounce and no more than 30 drops total. Try adding a few drops and then taste your creation. There is no single formula and everyone is different.

6. Store the final product in a glass, preferably with a top on it so it won’t be easily oxidized. This recipe can last for up to two months if you store it in an airtight container.

This DIY recipe is guaranteed to kill bacteria, reduce acid in your mouth and leave you feeling refreshed!

There are many ways to make homemade toothpaste. We encourage you to experiment to find the proportions and ingredients for toothpaste that you and your family will enjoy using.

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DIY Toothpaste








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  1. It sounds good, but I have sensitive teeth and used toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. It would be great if whatever ingredient decreases sensitivity could be added to your toothpaste. I would be concerned that the coconut taste from the coconut oil might overwhelm the flavor even though essential oil was added for flavor.

  2. I have made this exact toothpaste but without the sea salt so i want to try that I have also put turmeric with it also just a pinch, thanks are there any more recipes like this i can print out

  3. Nice recipe. Very simple ingredients. Think the coconut oil is the only thing we don’t have around the house. Did not realize that it was so easy to make toothpaste.

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