A Natural Way of Addressing Halitosis

A Natural Way Of Addressing Halitosis

Having bad breath, also known as halitosis, is such a turnoff. However, it is not as uncommon as many people think. One in four people suffers from bad breath. Contrary to what many people believe, bad breath is not only due to poor dental hygiene it can also be a sign of having a different health condition.

Common Causes of Halitosis

A lot of factors affect a person’s breath. Sometimes, it is something that one can address easily. However, underlying conditions may also leave a bad odor in your mouth. You have to be wary of the symptoms to determine what causes the problem.

  • The mouth is home to different types of bacteria and the environment is perfect for bacterial growth. The food you eat also helps feed the bacteria in your mouth. The waste product left behind can cause a foul smell.
  • Having a dry mouth may also cause halitosis. Your mouth produces saliva to wash away debris. Without it, your mouth may not be able to flush itself clean. Certain medications may affect a person’s salivary glands.
  • If your bad breath persists even after brushing, you may have gum disease. It is a condition that is caused by a build-up of plaque. 
  • The food you eat can also produce a foul smell. Garlic, onion, and coffee are among the common offenders.
  • Smoking does not only leave stains on a person’s teeth. It can also irritate gum tissues and give you bad breath.
  • Certain conditions can cause bad breath. If you have acid reflux, diabetes, sinus conditions, liver illnesses, or kidney disease, visit a healthcare provider immediately.

Keeping Your Mouth Fresh

Your first line of defense against halitosis is proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly and make sure you clean between the teeth with regular flossing. To further kill bacteria, you may also use mouthwash. Regular checkups with your dentist can also help the frequent occurrence of bad breath.

A person’s diet can also help keep one’s mouth healthy. Eat foods that are rich in nutrients and choose food which requires a lot of chewing. You also have to give up smoking to prevent causing more damage to your mouth.

A Natural Way Of Addressing Halitosis

Can Essential Oils Help Halitosis?

Essential oils are common in aromatherapy. They are natural compounds one can obtain through the extraction from some parts of plants. Many people use various methods to maximize the benefits these oils offer. One of the most popular ways is through inhalation using a nebulizing essential oil diffuser. Other popular methods include the topical application through rollerball bottles or other similar products.

These essential have been known to help bad breath or halitosis:

  • Lemon
  • Thyme
  • Wintergreen
  • Clove
  • Parsley
  • Peppermint
  • Oregano
  • Lemongrass
  • Eucalyptus

How Essential Oils Work to Eliminate Bad Breath

You might be wondering how effective using essential oils is in addressing bad breath. The answer lies in the components that the essential oils contain. They have powerful antiseptic as well as anti-bacterial properties. Thus, they can help fight bacteria that cause bad odor.

Making Your Own DIY Mouthwash

You may consider using peppermint essential oil to create your own mouthwash which can lead to a significant increase in the level of efficacy to control established plaque. It also recommends the use of essential oil mouthwash for halitosis therapy. However, you should never put essential oil directly in your mouth or pour it on your toothbrush. Essential oils are strong and powerful and require proper safety precautions to avoid unwanted effects. 

Let’s make some peppermint mouthwash. The first thing you need to do is collect your ingredients. You will need:

  • Half a cup of distilled water
  • 5 drops of pure peppermint essential oil
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • Half teaspoon of sea salt
  • Mason jar

Add these ingredients to the mason jar and shake it really well. Use the concoction to rinse your mouth like you would with regular mouth wash. Spit it out after at least 30 seconds. Do not swallow the product. The mouthwash will leave a cool feeling in your mouth. If you want to use other essential oils, you can experiment with others just be careful to not exceed 5 drops.

Halitosis is a problem that can cause embarrassment. However, it is not something that you have to suffer from. You can easily address the problem with the help of high-quality essential oils. Use the natural remedy along with proper oral hygiene to get that bright smile without having to worry about producing a bad odor.

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A Natural Way Of Addressing Halitosis

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  1. I was expecting to see peppermint oil on this list, but seeing lemon oil mentioned was surprising to me. I would think it’s a little too tart to use in the mouth, but I would be open to trying it!

  2. Thanks for the recipe! I had no idea 1 in 4 people have bad breath. Guess I’ve been lucky to not be around many of those folks. It definitely is a turnoff!

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