5 Fun Facts About Aromatherapy You Probably Didn’t Know
When it comes to aromatherapy, there is always something new to learn. This ancient practice has been around for centuries, and there is still much to discover.
Here are 5 Fun Facts About Aromatherapy that You Probably Didn’t Know
1. Aromatherapy Was Once Illegal
In the early days of aromatherapy, the practice was actually illegal in some parts of the world. This is because many people believed that aromatherapy was a form of witchcraft. Also, in the dark ages, sections of the church believed that sickness and poor health were punishment from God; it was how order and justice was maintained – and aromatherapy and its healing effect would interfere with the natural flow of spirituality. The church recommended that people pray, repent and offer sacrifices to God for ultimate healing. Thankfully, those days are long gone and aromatherapy is now enjoyed by people all over the world. Today, religion has embraced aromatherapy and even uses it in religious ceremonies.

2. The First Aromatherapy School Was Founded in 1937
The first aromatherapy school was founded in Paris, France in 1937 by a woman named Marguerite Maury. Prior to that, there were no formal schools or training program for aromatherapy. This means that Marguerite Maury was responsible for codifying the knowledge and practices of aromatherapy, which laid the foundation for the field as we know it today. Maury was a true pioneer in the field of aromatherapy and her work is still respected by practitioners all over the world. She trained in Vienna, London and New York before eventually settling in Paris to open her school. Maury had a degree in nursing and had attained the highest level for a woman at the time as a surgical assistant. She died in 1968 and beside her bed, a final manuscript was found. It began “The aromatherapy involved in cosmetology can lead to the most extraordinary of results” – a statement that is just as true today as it was when she first wrote it.

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3. Pleasant Aromas Can Help Premature Babies With Apnea
Research published in the journal Pediatrics showed that exposure to pleasant aromas can help premature babies with apnea. Apnea of prematurity is a breathing disorder that commonly affects premature babies and can be quite dangerous. In the study, 57% of the babies who were exposed to pleasant aromas experienced a decrease in apnea episodes, compared to only 20% of the babies who were not exposed to any aromatherapy. The researchers believe that the pleasant smells help to stimulate the babies’ respiratory centers, which helps to prevent apnea episodes. The research conducted in France used the aroma of vanilla in the exercise.

4. Essential Oils Can Be Used To Create ‘Nasal Viagra’
Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Research Foundation in Chicago found that certain essential oils can be used to create a nasal spray that is similar to Viagra. This so-called “nasal viagra” can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. The essential oils work by increasing blood flow to the genitals, which results in an erection. In one study, Dr. Hirsch found that when men were exposed to the scent of lavender, their penises became an average of 3.4% larger. When they were exposed to the scent of pumpkin pie, their penises became an average of 2.9% larger. He found that combining both scents improved blood flow to the penis by 40%.
5. Japanese Companies Are Using Aromatherapy To Boost Employee Productivity
In Japan, some companies are using aromatherapy to boost employee productivity. One company called D-Sense has developed an aromatherapy diffuser that they claim can increase productivity by 20%. The diffuser emits a blend of essential oils that includes rosemary, which is known to improve concentration and memory. The diffuser also uses the essential oils of lemon and grapefruit, which are known to boost energy levels. The diffuser is designed to be used in offices and other work environments.

These are just a few of the interesting facts about aromatherapy that you probably didn’t know. Aromatherapy is a fascinating field with a rich history dating back thousands of years. If you have questions on aromatherapy, feel free to contact us with your queries and comments. We are happy to help!

Final Thoughts
The diverse and intriguing world of aromatherapy offers more than just pleasant scents; it harbors a profound history and a variety of practical applications that extend from enhancing newborn health to boosting workplace productivity. This exploration into the lesser-known facts about aromatherapy not only enriches our understanding of its benefits but also underscores its evolution from a once misunderstood practice to a widely embraced tool for wellness and healing. As we continue to uncover the potential of essential oils, aromatherapy promises to offer even more innovative and beneficial uses in our daily lives.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What ancient civilizations used aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy has roots in ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, who utilized essential oils for religious rites and embalming processes.
Can aromatherapy improve productivity?
Yes, studies suggest that certain scents like lemon and lavender can enhance concentration and efficiency in workplace settings.
Is aromatherapy beneficial for newborns?
Yes, gentle scents like lavender may promote better sleep patterns and reduce stress in newborns, though it’s crucial to use essential oils safely.
How does the sense of smell affect our emotions?
The olfactory system has a direct link to the brain’s limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, influencing our feelings and memories through scents.
Are there environmentally friendly practices in aromatherapy?
Many essential oil producers are adopting sustainable practices, focusing on organic farming and responsible sourcing to minimize environmental impact.
I didn’t know any of that.
This was an interesting article. I would love to see data
Interesting 🤔
Thank you for teaching me about Aromatherapy!
thank you very much for the interesting share
Why doesn’t it surprise me that something helpful and holistic was once called “witchcraft”?
The government rather have it illegal so that way they can prescribe you a bunch of their horrible pills
sound good great info
Very useful information. I wouldnt have considered these benefits. thanks for the information.
Thanks for the interesting information. Aromatherapy illegal? Wow, how things have changed lol!
Color me surprised when I read that aroma therapy was once illegal. Suspicion of witchcraft seems so bizarre these days, but seemed perfectly logical back then.
Awesomes ideas!
Very interesting! I only knew a couple of these! Thanks for sharing!
I am surprised to know it was once illegal.
Thanks for the info
I never knew it was illegal
wow I didn’t know any of these!
So interesting!
Thanks for the great ideas and info. I need to learn more about aromatherapy and oils.
I love essential oils. can’t get enough of them.
Sounds interesting. Aromatherapy is not something I know much about.
I read the thing about the lavender and pumpkin pie scents before, I find it funny because those scents together remind me of someone’s grandma’s house.
Wow! This post was very interesting.
thanks for the informative 5 facts
Interesting 🙂
I love a fun fact article like this!
I love fun facts like this!
Very interesting.
Some fun facts
WOW i learned a lot from reading this ! I did not know any of these ! Thank you for the information
Love the fact about it helping neonatals with sleep apnea!
Wow I’m so shocked that aromatherapy use to be illigal wow
Good to know!!
Thanks for these very interesting facts
I had no idea that aromatherapy was once illegal. Thanks for sharing these interesting facts with us.
Great fun facts!!!
So relaxing
No idea was once illegal.
Interesting blog. Very informative.
I never knew aromatherapy was once illegally! Mind blown 🤯 That seems so ludicrous since aromatherapy is such a beneficial modality.
Interesting and informative.
Thank you for creating this blog and the importance of aromatherapy
Cant believe aromatherapy was once illegal
Thank you these 5 facts will come in handy
I can’t imagine aromatherapy being illegal. How funny!
Thank you I did not know these 5 facts
Very good info! Thanks!
“You learn something new every day”! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I had no idea !
Nice info! 🐈🐱
I didn’t know any of these facts. Interesting that it was once illegal.
I didn’t know it was once illegal so that’s really interesting.
Love learning facts
Interesting article
I didn’t know all that information and thanks for sharing.
Informative and useful
Thank you for the facts
I did not now that information…I am new to using essential oils. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, this was very interesting.
this would be amazing
Wow, who knew?! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Cool facts, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the wonderful post. Have a great day.
thats so cool
I enjoyed reading the fun facts about aromatherapy. Informative article
Very interesting, thanks!
These are interesting facts!
A very interesting article. amazing how it was illegal at one time
Thanks for the interesting read!!
These are interesting facts! I can see aromatherapy being thought of witchcraft.
I love how there are Japanese companies using EO’s to improve workplace productivity. I would certainly love for my company to take up this practice for a sweet smelling work day.
This was indeed interesting to read about the many useful form Aromatherapy can be helpful.
Interesting blog. Learned a lot about aromatherpy. Thanks
Amazing info thank you !
This was very interesting; had no idea it used to be illegal
I knew a few of these but the others were new to me.
The things you learn – who knew
Wow – I did NOT know most of those!
I would need it to boost energy, did not think about using aromas for that.
This info was so helpful i couldnt stop reading through it 🙂
Wow essential oils used to be illegal I never knew that, the more you know.
Aromatherapy is so interesting to me. It can be used to sooth and heal the body. I really enjoyed the article.
So interesting.
Thanks for the useful info!
Thank you for sharing, Learn something new every day.
Did not know that this was illegal in some parts of the world. It was considered as some sort of witchcraft. Interesting.
Thats pretty cool
Great ideas and product good blog
Very educational
Very nice
Wow, very interesting!
Thanks for all the interesting facts