Best Homemade Essential Oil Joint Pain Relief Cream

Best Homemade Essential Oil Joint Pain Relief Cream

Joint pain is caused by many things, including conditions like arthritis and injury. In addition to pain, you may suffer stiffness and even swelling of the joints. You can consider a natural remedy if you are suffering from this problem. Essential oils are extracted from herbs, flowers, trees and all manner of plants. These aromatic oils come with a list of health benefits.

You can reduce or manage joint pain with creams made using these wonderful oils. The following information dives into the best homemade essential oil joint pain relief cream. If you are tired of using conventional medicines to tackle this kind of pain, it is time to try a natural method as guided.

Best Essential Oils For Joint Pain

Before looking at how you can make the joint pain relief cream at home, let us explore the best oils to use first. As you know, different essential oils work better for different conditions. In this regard, some of the best picks for joint pain include lavender, peppermint, wintergreen, ginger and many more.


This oil is always full of praises in the world of aromatherapy. In addition to relaxing your mind, lavender oil when used topically on your joints has been found to improve chronic pain. Lavender oil contains two significant compounds which are linalyl acetate and linalool. These elements have a sedative effect and also work to numb pain for relief. Therefore, your homemade joint pain cream must contain this oil.


Gingerol is a compound found in ginger oil, it is known for its anti inflammatory benefits. According to new research, ginger and its anti-inflammatory properties works as well as ibuprofen. By blocking the enzyme that promotes inflammation(COX-2), ginger oil is a potent remedy for joint pain.


Eucalyptus is commonly used to restore the respiratory system. This oil is rich in anti-inflammatories and helps ease pain while reducing swelling. To this effect, joint pain can greatly benefit from this essential oil. In fact, diffusing this oil has been found to reduce pain in people who have had knee replacement surgery. You definitely want to take advantage of this versatile oil.


Rosemary essential oil is another excellent option for joint pain relief. It comes with a host of components that make this possible. It has a sweet herbaceous scent that is therapeutic. It is also an energizing oil that can help with anxiety and general mental fatigue. A study revealed that rosemary oil is more effective than acetaminophen – which is an over-the-counter pain medication. Using this oil to make your joint pain cream is certainly beneficial.


This is a quick fix when you are dealing with joint pain. Menthol found in peppermint produces hot or cold sensations which masks joint pain. Keep in mind that peppermint contains up to 44% free menthol.


According to a 2014 study, using peppermint oil together with wintergreen is more effective against joint pain. The main active ingredient in wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate which is similar to aspirin. It is known for anti-inflammatory properties. It works well as a pain reliever as well as having many other applications. Wintergreen essential oil is extracted from the wintergreen plant leaves.

Best Homemade Essential Oil Joint Pain Relief Cream

Homemade Joint Pain Relief Cream

There is a long list of other essential oils that are great for joint pain. The list above consists of the most effective oils. Studies have shown that blending these aromatic oils is better than using single oils to remedy problems such as joint pain. To make the best joint pain cream at home, you can play with different oils and see how well they work. Below is a recipe containing both essential and carrier oils. Remember, using potent oils topically is not advised unless you dilute them with carrier oils.


  • Rosemary essential oil – 6 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil – 6 drops
  • Lavender essential oil – 6 drops
  • Sweet marjoram essential oil – 12 drops
  • Eucalyptus essential oil – 12 drops
  • Jojoba oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Almond oil – 2 ounces


In a suitable glass container, mix all the ingredients. Use protective gloves when handling essential oils. Your joint pain cream is ready for topical use. Using this cream at least once a day gives you the relief you are yearning for. Before incorporating essential oils into your health regimen, consult your healthcare provider. People with underlying medical problems and pregnancy should avoid using this cream.


For your homemade joint pain remedy to work, buy high quality essential oils. Look for pure oils and avoid buying cheap oils. Where possible, do a patch test on your skin before buying essential oils. This helps you identify oils that you may be allergic to.

Diffusing the oils listed above can provide pain relief in addition to using topically. Therefore, take advantage of aromatherapy for joint pain relief. Experiment with different oils as long as you follow instructions by the oil maker. Also, use DIY guides and recipes from a trusted provider. Safety is always key when using essential oils.

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Best Homemade Essential Oil Joint Pain Relief Cream

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  1. I fell this summer and since I have pain in my hips and legs daily I will have to give this a try and love Eucalyptus so that will be the first on my list.

  2. I need to pass this on to a friend who suffers terribly with arthritis. I was wondering, though, I’m new to this, how do these oils end up being a cream?

  3. I did not know , lavender oil when used topically on your joints has been found to improve chronic pain. Lavender oil contains two significant compounds which are linalyl acetate and linalool.

  4. If essential oils are natural and better than conventional medicine, why do you recommend that persons with underlying medical issues and pregnancy should avoid using the homemade joint pain relief cream?

  5. Lavender For Sure works on joint pain. My husband has had joint pain for years upon years. He is on painkillers prescribed by the doctors and he gets some relief but not total relief. This past week he ran out of his medication and he was hurting. Just on a whim I gave him my Lavender Essential Oil and told him to try it to see. He had nothing to lose…. Except Pain… hopefully. Sure enough, about 15 or 20 minutes later he looked at me and said – Honey, that worked. He keeps a bottle of lavender right beside him now all the time. I come home and smell lavender and I know we are on to something great here. Thank You for posting.

  6. The use of essential oils to treat ailments or any minor condition is very beneficial as home remedies are excellent remedies for minor ailments.

  7. I had no ideal that oils could create a joint pain cream. And from the sounds of it the pain cream would smell good. I have so many creams and rub but this I am going to try

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