DIY – Fix Cracked Heels with Essential Oils
Your body is only as healthy as every one of its parts, and having a good foundation is important. By foundation, we mean your feet, and at times they can suffer a bit from the punishment that daily activity throws at them. After all, your feet not only support your entire body weight but also have to contend with the elements, dry skin issues, and more.
One of the most common problems that people deal with on their feet is dry, cracked heels. Luckily, there are solutions for this problem including natural options that don’t cost a fortune or come with the risk of side effects. One great DIY option is to use essential oils to help treat cracked heels.
Cracked Heels 101
Cracked heels are a common problem for millions. Generally, the issue occurs because the skin around the heels is easily dried out due to natural factors. Some of the common causes include:
- Ill-fitting shoes that add increased pressure to the heels
- Prolonged periods of standing or walking
- Excess weight
- Naturally dry skin
- Persistent dehydration
- Dry skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema
In short, plenty of issues can lead to this condition. And while in many instances cracked heels aren’t severely painful, they can itch, burn, sting, or even ache in certain cases. And of course, they’re not exactly the most attractive looking part of one’s appearance. Because of this, managing cracked heels is incredibly important.
Most treatments involve pampering the feet and in particular the heels. The key is to deliver plenty of moisturization to the area as well as promoting new cellular growth and better overall skin health. Lotions, creams, and even foot soaks are all options that are commonly used that can be effective. However, these can often be little more than a short term solution for the itching that bothers those with dry, cracked heels. And they can also trigger side effects, unpleasant smells, and can also cost a considerable amount. That’s why essential oils are something that’s well worth trying.
Using Essential Oils For Cracked Heels
The use of essential oils for cracked heels focuses on exactly the same things that other treatments will – giving the heels the TLC needed to properly heal and recover. There’s a basic process to keep in mind here that will help give you the best results:
Start by soaking the heels in warm water for at least 10 to 15 minutes. You can add essential oils to the soak if desired, but the key is letting them soak enough to soften the skin.
Next, use a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin that likely covers the cracked heels. This will help ensure that the essential oil’s healing benefits actually reach the healthy, viable skin instead of being blocked. Exfoliating away the dead skin promotes better growth of new skin in its place.
Dilute your essential oils in a carrier oil such as; sweet almond oil, coconut oil, and even avocado oil. The dilution process helps to ensure that the pure essential oil doesn’t irritate sensitive skin, something that could happen easily with certain oils. Add about 5ml of essential oil every 100ml of the carrier oil or about 3-5%.
Once you’ve diluted the essential oil you’ll be left with healthy massage oil that is safe to use. Simply massage the oil into the heels working the oil as deep as you can. Take your time to ensure the oil is properly absorbed. Slip on a pair of cotton socks to keep the oil from being rubbed onto furniture. .
The Best Oils for Cracked Heels
Certain oils are better than others for controlling cracked heels. Here are some of the best choices when you’re trying to manage dry skin on the feet.
Eucalyptus – This powerful oil helps kill bacteria that might be a root cause of cracked heels. Along with this, it can help to soothe dry skin and disinfect shoes, socks, and the feet to keep them clean and promote better healing.
Lemon – Lemon essential oil helps remove toxins. It also improves circulation to the area, thus promoting better healing. It can be used to help with a quick recovery from really dry feet.
Lavender – Lavender is one of the best choices for cracked heels. It is a great moisturizer and has strong antiseptic properties. Lavender can help provide skin cells with regenerative properties. It’s great for using just before bed, letting the oil work overnight.
Tea Tree Oil – This is found in a huge number of scrubs and lotions for the feet thanks to its ability to help fight fungi and to recondition the skin. It’s a good option to combine with others above to get the most from the healing process.

Good information, thanks
I have this issue all the time, thanks for the info!
Great Tips, will give it a shot!
Where was this at the beginning of Summer!? Kidding! I love my pumice stone but I’m excited to use my Eucalyptus oil starting tonight to help fight cracked heels!
I don’t get cracked heels but weirdly enough, every winter, my elbows skin get dry and it hurts. Would it work for that kind of cracky/creasy winter skin too?
I have this issue all the time, thanks for the info!
Quick and easy at home spa experience that not only softens those dry heels but also acts as a great stress release.
Wonderful article, I know a few people who could make great use of it.
This looks like something that would be helpful with my dad! Thanks for the ideas .
This is great. Thank you for the share!
great information
Long time sufferer thank you so much for sharing
Thank you for info! Eucalyptus would feel amazing on my feet!
had no idea, will have to try this
Great suggestions. My feet are currently really dry. This is going to help!!
I had forgotten about this. I need to get back to a routine of doing this. Thank you for reminding me.
Great tip especially for summer! My heels get dry from the sand at the beach.
This looks like something that would be helpful with my dad! Thanks for the ideas .
Quick and easy at home spa experience that not only softens those dry heels but also acts as a great stress release.
Thank you for this useful article, I have persistent dehydration it is very unpleasant.