Essential Oils That Help Release Dopamine and Serotonin
A walk through nature, eating a delicious meal, working out, achieving a goal – all these things make you happy. With that said, what really makes you happy scientifically are ‘happy hormones’ dopamine and serotonin. When serotonin levels are low in the body, unhappiness prevails. When the body is rewarded, dopamine is released. Eating food when hungry is one such reward.
Boosting happiness naturally can be done using essential oils. Studies have confirmed the central role played by aromatherapy to uplift the mood while getting rid of stress. Essential oils work by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels to give you the pleasant feeling of happiness.
The Best Essential Oils To Boost ‘Happiness Hormones’
This oil is derived from the bergamot orange widely grown in France and Southern Italy. The oil is specifically gotten from the rind and comes in a floral and citrusy scent. It is one of the best oils to induce happiness. A study conducted in America confirmed that diffusing bergamot essential oil boosts the levels of serotonin in the body. This is the go-to oil when you need to lift your spirits in a subtle way.
This is one of the most significant oils starting from ancient use in religious settings. It was used to purify and anoint. Native to the Middle East, this oil is a precious commodity that is made from the resin of the boswellia tree. It has an interesting musky scent with spicy undertones in an earthy way. This oil has active components that have a warm sedative effect to the nervous system. To this end, frankincense oil can reduce anxiety, inflammation and even kill microbes and pathogens. It restores hormonal balance and is a favorite for women going through PMS. In others words, this essential oil makes you happy.
Clary Sage
Clary sage essential oil is always a favorite when it comes to boosting hormone function and sparking happiness. Some cultures use it as a tea while others as a medicine. It tackles PMS and other hormonal issues. It works like an antidepressant to eliminate stress and anxiety. It reduces cortisol – which is a stress hormone and elevates serotonin in the body. For optimal emotional benefits that boost happiness, clary sage is a great option.

Lemon essential oil is extracted from the fresh peels of the lemon fruit. If you are grappling with lethargy and exhaustion, this is the best oil for you. It works instantly to pick your mood and spark happiness. In addition, this oil has been proven to boost concentration. With antiseptic and antifungal properties, this cleansing oil is ideal for your household. Diffusing it will give you the best emotional support. You can also use topically with a suitable carrier oil.
Peppermint essential oil is a must when you are looking for that natural relief from emotional burdens. In a study, this oil was proven to relax your body while reducing heart rate. It is the best option when you are tired and highly stressed. Diffusing a few drops will give instant results for you to enjoy. If you wish to use topically, get some coconut carrier oil and add a few drops. This natural energy booster works like a charm.
Commonly used in the kitchen, cinnamon is a wonderful spice and the oil is just as good. This is a mood boosting oil that tackles anxiety and depression to leave you feeling happy and content. It turns out that cinnamon oil is also an aphrodisiac for those seeking extra happiness. This oil has also been used to ward off bacteria. It comes with a myriad of health benefits and makes you happy every single time.
In addition to being used widely for beauty, ylang-ylang essential oil is excellent for boosting happiness. This sweet smelling oil helps reduce blood pressure while calming your heart rate. If you are feeling anxious or are in shock, this is the best oil to use. For those who suffer panic attacks or have travel anxiety, this oil supports you through your journey for a calm feeling.
It goes without saying that rose essential oil is a huge component of beauty and skincare products. It doesn’t just work to improve skin, it also has mood boosting properties. Rose makes you happy and to this end, diffusing it or using topically can give you the much needed lift instantly. Studies have shown that rose oil reduces depression. This mild oil also reduces adrenaline to balance out your emotions. You can use it in your bath in addition to diffusing.
For promoting happiness hormones in the body, essential oils are effective. You have the option of choosing your most desired scent. They do not have side effects when used as guided. In this respect, you can leverage on natural methods to achieve wellness. Moreover, oils are versatile and come with many benefits. Choosing this natural route allows your body to heal and thrive.
When buying, go for pure essential oils and avoid low standard oils. Use as directed even as you experiment with blends. To diffuse effectively, get a nebulizing diffuser. Safe, clean, quiet and effective aromatherapy is what you get from this diffuser. Start by getting medical clearance before using essential oils. This is especially crucial if you have a medical condition.
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I love using lavender in my bath at night!
Thanks for all the useful information.
Very interesting, a lot of new imformation, Thanks
It’s amazing at what essential oils can do for you and how much they can help you.
Thanks for writing this blog post and informing readers of it what essential oils they should use if they want to boost their ‘happiness hormones’. I definitely plan on trying to use some of the essential oils mentioned in this post to boost my own ‘happiness hormones’.
I am looking for a essential oil boost my male hormones I am 62 yo and in need of boosting my male hormones (please DO NOT share this confidential information with anyone)
Lavender is one of my favourite scents. Thanks for the article.
There is so much I didn’t realise about essential oils! It’s fascinating!
never knew about Dopamine and Serotonin before
I love essential oils especially rose some great oils with fantastic benefits
Very interesting
Thanks for all the great info. I love essential oils.
I need this in my life. For anyone struggling with depression I wonder if this could replace medications? I struggle with depression from health issues and would love to try this. It does sound legit. I had gotten some lotion awhile back with bergamot in it and it smells wonderful.
Thanks for the info.
I love the smell of these oils, my fav is peppermint.
Love your information! I will try these!
As someone who has 5 chronic illnesses, the more serotonin and dopamine I can get the better!
I love essential oils
Thank you for sharing
This is much better than taking medication for the same reason,
I should definitely try Ylang-ylang. I wonder if it helps those who have tachycardia.
Wow have learned quite a bit just from reading this article thanks for that it’s much appreciated x
Fabulous and useful information
My son just gave me several of these scents for Christmas. Nice to know what they are good for!
I have learned so much by reading all these articles! Thank you for sharing x
If this is true, it could really help people going through withdrawals from drug addiction.
All my favourite smells, must be why I’m so chilled lol
I had no idea essential oils could do these things!
Not an essential oils user, but interesting
This is the most informative site I’ve ever seen
All of these oils sound enticing and beautiful. I’ll explore more of these for stress and relaxation.
Aroma is vitally important to memory
I absolutely love the smell of peppermint so refreshing
I had no idea you could use oils for so many great things! Thanks for teaching me!
very interesting I can’t wait to try and see if any of these oils help me.
I’ve battled depression and anxiety for decades. I really wish I had known about these oils’ properties back before I was put on medication. Thanks for the great info. I shared on Facebook.
These are great suggestions!
Very informative. Thanks for sharing.
They smell really good.
I have to try this
I’ve used peppermint, I’ll give the others a try
No ideal that oils would help with this
Love this information!
M dr suggested clary sage! Love it
This should be Better than anything you can .
Ever since I had a hysterectomy I can’t sleep this would be helpful
Only one I couldn’t do is the Peppermint oil. I do not like anything peppermint lol
thanks for the great info
I love these suggestions! Can’t wait to amp up my dopamine production.
Going to bring this to my doctor and show him this next time he just wants to push pills!
𝕎𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕤! 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖. 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 & 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠.
I love to mix oils to get more creative aromas.I used mostly Peppermint mixtures for the holidays. With the climate of today, we can definitely calming oils.
i love to have this and then i would love
Thanks for the article!
Great to know
Thank you for all of the information. I learned quite a lot about essential oils.
This post is very information and interesting
peppermint is my favorite, it truly does calm and center me
Great info to know, everyone needs a little zen
i learned a lot of stuff on here today but i love that rose oil is good for depression that must be why my boyfriend buys me roses when im down in the dumps love him and the pretty roses
great and helpful information!
damn, thanks for the great informations
Love essential oils. Regularly using it in a sonic oil diffuser.
I will be incorporating some of these oils in my every day life.
I LOVE ESSENTIAL OILS and used them thru my 20 year career as a massage therapist.
I love essential oil’s!! 💗
Oh I’ll use this for those blah moments! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the great info! I really need to get into this, to help my anxiety and depression.
Interesting, wasn’t aware of this.
Sandalwood is my favourite!
Wow!! Didn’t realize all these every day remedies would help. I am trying the peppermint for sure
This is really informative learnt a lot just by reading this. Thank you ❤️
I love lemon scent it helps me relax and helps with my anxiety but I haven’t really used essential oils in quite a few time.
I feel that, perhaps, we all have particular scents/fragrances we connect with on a vibrational level….I have a really soft spot for rose and cardamom…the two, when combined, create an absolutely gorgeous aroma!
I think I need to pop some lemon in my diffuser today! I’m feeling quite lethargic
Amazing selection of oils!
Very interesting!
this is nice. didnt know lemons could do these
Will have to get one of these oils and try it out
I love lemon! Thank you again for more interesting info.
It wasn’t easy to find this blog because the entry link on the widget isn’t working.
Thanks for the article. My favorites are bergamot and cinnamon.
Going to add some frankincense to the diffuser 🙂
This went home for me, I suffered from depression in my past and never even thought about essential oils being able to help with feeling better. Although I am better now this sounds like something I could use around my home. I would like to try out the Clary Sage and the Bergamot. Thank you as always for your very informative article!
I definitely love my bergamot, rose, citrus and cinnamon oils! Now I understand why! They boost happiness. 🙂
Thanks for sharing
I could use a little help sometimes! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
I enjoy reading the many uses of essential oils. I’m going to try these out to help with my depression and anxiety, thank you so much!!!
This is awesome! I can see making a diffuser and breathing this in to start my day.
thanks for the info
WOW looks better than others
Good information as always.
I had no ideal that oils would help with this. I learn something new ever time I visit your site. I have a few of these oils bt I n3eed more
I absolutely agree about Lemon and Peppermint. I want to try some of the others mentioned. And honestly, who doesn’t need a safe and effective emotional boost these days?
This is so interesting! I didn’t realize the dopamine and seratonin connection. I normally diffuse lavender and peppermint together. I’ll have to try the bergamot and the others too. I have a cat though. Need to make sure they are all safe before diffusing.
Lemon and bergamot are my favorites!
All these essential oils are a real concentrate of happiness in a bottle! 😀
This is why I will never go back to synthetic fragrances! I like to start my day with a mix of rosemary and lemon for focus and alertness – proven in studies 🙂
I love using lavender. It’s such a good oil.
Thanks for the great article. This will come in handy with my very stressful life. 🙂
Thanks of informatión
This is why I will never go back to synthetic fragrances! I like to start my day with a mix of rosemary and lemon for focus and alertness – proven in studies 🙂
Creating a calming and relaxing aroma with 2drops Lavender, 3drops Ylang Ylang, 1drop Marjoram,
Additional 1drop Hawaiian Sandalwood my all time favourite.