The Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

The Best Essential Oils For Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental health disorder that plagues millions of individuals in the world every single day, and if you’re unlucky enough to be included in that number, then you’re likely to welcome any break from the terrible feelings you may feel so often. Essential oils are here to save the day. Put only a few drops in an Organic Aromas essential oil diffuser, and almost instantly you will begin to feel your mind ease and your mental health restored.


Lavender is first on our list, due to its scent and calming effects. Because of this, this essential oil is considered a nervous system restorative, and is helpful in maintaining inner peace, a healthy sleep pattern, and alleviating symptoms of anxiety, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Panic and anxiety attacks
  • Nervous tension
  • Upset stomach


Rose is an essential oil which is known to have very settling effects on the heart in terms of emotional balance, and this makes it very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of both anxiety and depression, and also helps with panic attacks, grief, and shock.


Because chamomile has an extremely peaceful and calming scent, it is one essential oil which is popular for improving inner harmony by decreasing:

  • Irritability
  • Overthinking due to stress
  • Anxiety
  • Worry

These can be used in the bath as well as paired with one of our essential oil diffusers to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, but be wary: There is a small risk of allergic reaction in those who have a specific allergy, so be sure to do a patch test before using it in the bath.

Rose Geranium

Rose Geranium is an essential oil which contains citronellol and geraniol to help improve your mood and health, and this can work wonders when you’re having feelings of anxiety. It works best when absorbed through the skin and affecting the limbic system, the center for emotional control in your brain. In addition to this affect, it also affects your nervous system to lower an elevated heart rate, lower blood pressure, and to control your breathing and overall stress level.

Serenity Blend

If you’re living with anxiety and looking to balance your mind, body, and spirit to help alleviate your symptoms, our signature Serenity blend is the essential oil for you. Each ingredient has its own therapeutic effect, and combined they help to lift tensions and spirits to help relax your mind and body. Therapeutic effects included are:

  • Sedation or relaxation
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Analgesic

Ylang Ylang

This essential oil is known for its calming and uplifting effects, and because of this, it’s a great choice if you need something to help alleviate your symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can help to reduce heart agitation and nervous palpitations, as well as working as a moderately strong sedative for those suffering from insomnia brought on by anxiety. Alongside this, its uplifting properties work to promote cheerfulness, courage, and optimism to fight through those anxious thoughts.


Bergamot essential oil is an ingredient which can commonly be found added in small amounts to Earl Grey tea, as it has a distinct, but not overpowering fruity taste, and its aroma is very appealing. Rather than soothing the heart, like our other picks, this essential oil works to alleviate symptoms of anxiety by providing positive energy, while at the same time also being helpful for those with insomnia by inducing relaxation.

The Best Essential Oils for Anxiety



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  1. Great article thank you! I have been searching for more natural ways to manage my anxiety. My mother often had an oil diffuser when I was growing up, may have to take a trip down memory lane!

  2. I’d love to get one of this wonderful diffuser to show and convince my husband to use it for our healthy living,thanks for sharing such us valuable informations .Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all:-)

  3. In 24 months my husband has written a screenplay, produced a movie, enlarged his business, added employees, sold our house and moved, is building a house, and has witnessed his movie hit theaters and now released on DVD and digital! It has been a busy two years! I just started essential oils and this diffuser with lavender will be the perfect gift for his office for Christmas! Thank you for creating this wonderful handmade product!

  4. One of my favorite blends for anxiety. In a 10 ml roll on bottle add
    10 drops Lavender
    10 drops Sandalwood
    5 drops Geranium
    Fill the rest with carrier oil of choice

  5. Thank you so much for this info! After my mother’s very aggressive cancer diagnosis I went into panic. I didn’t think I could survive seeing her go through it, but believe it or not, essential oils diffused in my bedroom had an enormous calming effect. I now use them for the whole family. 🙂

  6. I used to suffer from chronic headaches and migraines that run in my family, as well as depression and anxiety. Essential oils completely changed my life! I am so grateful to have researched and experimented with them! ")

  7. I’ve just tried a mix of peppermint & cinnamon in my nebuliser. Refreshing, relaxing & inspiring – all at the same time!
    And quite a seasonal aroma too.
    My recommended mix is 60% peppermint & 40% cinnamon as the latter is quite a powerful aroma.

  8. I love your serenity blend. It really does work to calm me and keep me focused. I am allergic to many flower scents (lavender, roses) though your oils do not seem to bother me at all.

  9. Thank you for the great post lavender is my #1 oil but I do love mixing it with marjoram, roman chamomile and ylang ylang. I also love using an oil called Serenity which is very calming.

  10. Unfortunately I am not a. Stranger to anxiety. I have suffered from it for many years. Thank goodness I have finally found a string solution.Essential oils 🙂
    Thank you so much for the beautiful giveaway. Good luck everyone 🙂
    Happy Holidays to all and Merry Christmas

  11. I love all those oils, I have never had rose oil because it is so expensive. I love your diffusers, do you put drops of oil in them or do you connect a bottle of oil directly to the diffuser?

  12. My favorite are the rose and the Serenity Blend. I wanted to ask a question. In these diffusers can you add water to the oil to kind of tone done the scent. I know these diffusers don’t use water in them you just put the oil in them but it is so strong. I was just wondering if tthere was a way to tone down the scents ???

  13. My favorites are lavender and rose geranium, they are must have for my room! The calming effect for chamomile is quite obvious, just a little pricey when getting the pure essential oil for chamomile (both Roman & German).

  14. I wish more people knew about essential oils, and the relief they can give, instead of having to resort to medication which in the long run is not good for their health.

  15. I would SOOOOO love to review your SERENITY BLEND OILS! I love that combination for anxiety… lavender, ylangy lang, bergamot, chamomile, rose, and rose geranium! My diffuser needs replacement so at present cannot use in a difufser… but can you tell me if it is possible to use this blend in a steel ball rollon also.. to dab at temples and wrists etc? Thank you!

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