Best DIY Immune Boosting Rollerball Essential Oils

Best DIY Immune Boosting Rollerball Essential Oils

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a lot regarding disease prevention. Simple things like washing hands properly, sanitizing spaces and eating healthy have found new appreciation. It is easier to prevent illness and in this respect, being proactive about health is important. Apart from practicing the basics, you can incorporate essential oils in your life to boost immunity.

These oils are wonders of nature and come with unique healing and preventive properties. To enhance immunity, there is a long list of essential oils to use. Make your very own roller at home in a few easy steps. What are the best immune boosting oils? The following information shares vital tips on this topic.

Most Beneficial Oils For Your Immune System

If you want to improve immunity naturally, the oils to use include lemon, rosemary, clove, tea tree, cinnamon, oregano, cypress, frankincense, lemongrass and so many more.

Rosemary Oil

This oil works by stimulating the immune system. If you are suffering with a stuffy nose or headaches, it works to clear these issues naturally. Strengthening immunity naturally with rosemary oil ensures that you reduce frequency of sickness. It is important to use this oil regularly so that you can prevent ailments.

Eucalyptus Oil

This energy boosting oil is great for immunity support. Flu symptoms like a stuffy nose will also be tackled. It has a bright aroma that lifts your spirit as well. This is one of the most common ingredients in an essential oil rollerball to promote immunity.

Frankincense Oil

This wonderful oil has many therapeutic benefits. It is known to have anti inflammatory compounds and is common in skincare products. Frankincense oil boosts immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells. This is a great way to rally your defences in fighting illness.

Lemon Oil

Lemon is a common feature in cleaning products. It kills pathogens and keeps spaces sanitized. Also, it is a great scent to have in your space. By warding off microbes, this oil boosts your immunity by keeping you safe. A compromised immune system is one that is susceptible to microbial attacks. This is a refreshing oil that can be used often to safeguard immunity and to keep your mood up.

Tea Tree Oil

The germ fighting ability of tea tree oil is well known. It kills bacteria and fungi while discouraging viruses. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent. It is certainly one of the best immune boosting oil you can use in your rollerball recipe. It trains your body how to fight infections naturally. It also has excellent skin healing benefits to keep away issues like acne.

Lavender Oil

Lavender is a versatile oil that is virtually used for everything. It has immune boosting abilities because it kills bacteria and other microbes. This oil also supports you with a great scent that keeps your spirits high. When you feel good, you actually ward off ailments.

Oregano Oil

This immune supporting oil will help you keep colds and flus at bay. It works well to get rid of pathogens in your body to prevent illness. For those who fall sick,, the severity of the illness is reduced. Using this oil every day can really support your wellbeing.

Best DIY Immune Boosting Rollerball Essential Oils

DIY Immune Boosting Rollerball Essential Oils Recipes

There are many blends you can come up with using the oils above. All you need to begin with is a 10ml roller bottle. Add the chosen essential oil blend and fill the bottle with a carrier oil. Good carriers include fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil among others. Shake to mix well and then label your immune support rollerball.

You can use it by applying on pulse points like wrists, neck and spine. You can use the rollerball anywhere apart from the mucous membranes. Below are blend ideas to get you started;

1. Wellness Blend

  • Cypress – 4 drops
  • Lavender – 8 drops
  • Lemon – 10 drops
  • Tea tree – 10 drops

2. Fitness Blend

  • Clove – 4 drops
  • Cinnamon bark – 4 drops
  • Orange – 8 drops
  • Rosemary – 8 drops
  • Eucalyptus – 8 drops


Understanding the best way to use essential oils allows you to get the most out of them. In the right amounts, you can use the oils daily to support immunity. However, avoid exposing these oils to children below five years. People who have underlying conditions may need to seek clearance from their health provider. If you are pregnant, use essential oils cautiously after consulting an expert.

If you have not used an oil before, a patch test should help you know whether you have an adverse reaction or not. If you prefer some scents over others, learn about different aromas by getting a variety of immune boosting oils. Customizing your daily regimen is the best way to go. If you prefer to diffuse instead of using a rollerball all the time, go for it. Just make sure to use a quality nebulizing diffuser.


Good immunity is priceless. In light of this, putting in place measures that boost immunity is key. Prevention is better than cure after all. In addition to eating a balanced diet, working out and getting enough sleep, essential oils play a critical role in balancing your mind and body. Your immunity benefits, and ensures that ailments are kept at bay as much as possible. This natural approach is more sustainable and does not have bad effects. If you have not discovered the wonderful offerings that essential oils bring, it is time to give them a go.

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Best DIY Immune Boosting Rollerball Essential Oils

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  1. Really enjoyed this! And the inclusion of the fitness blend! 🙂 I really do support anything which promotes the use of essential oils for health as I have been quite frustrated at witnessing discomfort which I believe could be really mitigated (a the veru least) by said use.

  2. I love your diffusers. I guess I need to get a roll on too. I like trying my own blends. I use the tea tree , lemon and lavender blend oils. I will have buy some Cypress oil to add to my blend. Wish me luck and good health. Thank you so much.

  3. I love this blend! I also use DoTerra On Guard to my immune blend that also includes the oils in this blend. I like the exact drops as I feel like I have put it together after gathering from different sources.

  4. Eucalyptus oil is with me since I remember. My grandma always give me this oil on my pijama when I was sick. Now I’m explore other types as every have somethig great to offer for our body and mind.

  5. Eucalyptus oil is with me since I remember. My grandma always give me this oil on my pijama when I was sick. Now I’m explore other types as every have somethig great to offer for our body and mind.

  6. I love this blend! I also use DoTerra On Guard to my immune blend that also includes the oils in this blend. I like the exact drops as I feel like I have put it together after gathering from different sources.

  7. these are a lot of great oils that you are using to create immune boosting. My great niece (4) had a cold when she spend the day with me. She would have nothing to do with vicks. So I fixed up a roller bottle with Eucalyptus Oil and rolled in on the inside of shirt, showed how to pull the shirt and breath the oil in. It worked for her and she took the bottle home with her. Her mommy said she kept waking her up telling she could not breath and needed her smell bottle.

  8. Love the “blend” recipes! Can’t wait to try them. I always use lavender on the soles of my feet at night before bed. I didn’t realize it was good for the immune system too!

  9. it’s kewl to make your own. I’m hesitant about lavender oil in diffusers as I’ve heard it makes skin sun-sensitive if used during the day, but in a rollerball for evening it should be fine.

  10. it’s kewl to make your own. I’m hesitant about lavender oil in diffusers as I’ve heard it makes skin sun-sensitive if used during the day, but in a rollerball for evening it should be fine.

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