Essential Oils and Mood Enhancement The Science Behind It

Essential Oils And Mood Enhancement – The Science Behind It

Essential oils boost your mood – more people are now discovering this fact. Of course, there is science behind this. There are nearly 100 essential oils actively used for different purposes. Some oils have been studied to unpack their components, and to see how they work to enhance the mood. Every oil has its unique properties and in this regard, research continues – to fully grasp how these aromatic oils work.

Having said this, the following information explains the science behind mood enhancement aromatherapy. It also lists top oils that lift your mood naturally.

How Essential Oils Lift Your Mood

Did you know that your sense of smell is the most powerful? It is 10,000 times more sensitive than any other sense. Because of this, aroma or scent is processed instantly by your brain from the nose. After you are exposed to a scent, the olfactory bulbs in your nasal cavity go to work. They actually form part of the brain and work by activating the limbic system. This primitive section of the brain influeces your memories, hormones, emotions, mood, sex drive; among others.

With this knowledge, essential oils come with properties that can alter your mood. Many oils reduce stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. When these chemical agents hit your brain after diffusing or exposure to oils, negative emotions like sadness, anger and irritation are suppressed. Chemical agents in oils work to balance hormones to promote positive emotions like happiness, contentment and relaxation. The key is to know the best mood-shifting essential oils and use them properly.

Best Essential Oils To Lift Your Mood


This is hands down the best oil to lift your spirits naturally. Pure lavender oil has been proven to help those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It works by killing feelings of anxiety and enhancing positive emotions. For you to enjoy the full benefits, you must get pure lavender that is non-synthetic – it should not be adulterated. This oil can also help treat insomnia which enhances your mood overall.


This is a wonderful essential oil that is mainly sourced from Madagascar. It has calming effects and reduces anxiety, blood pressure and even body temperature. Studies have found that this oil can boost self esteem to give you enhanced self confidence. This floral aroma works well as a natural perfume and has countless other applications for overall well being.


Research findings have shown that bergamot essential oil can bolster positive feelings while reducing stress. This is a citrusy oil that is used in all manner of cosmetics for added benefits. When you want an instant boost, this is among the first choices to pick.


Rosemary essential oil works in many ways to boost mood. It reduces the stress hormone cortisol, increases mental alertness and aids memory. When cortisol is high in your body, you may suffer headaches, weight gain, acne and high blood pressure. Getting your cortisol levels down naturally is certainly helpful.

Essential Oils And Mood Enhancement - The Science Behind It


Peppermint oil has a cooling effect and will boost your outlook instantly. It has been linked to reduced heart rate. This refreshing oil can be used topically or can be diffused to give you awesome results. It will treat headaches naturally, promoting your mood further. Carrier oil such as coconut is good when using this oil topically.


Inhaling lemon essential oil will awaken your spirit and senses. It is an easy and quick way to get out of a bad mood. It helps curb feelings of anger and allows you to breathe deeper. Keep in mind that lemon purifies air to give you high quality sanitized space. With antimicrobial properties, lemon oil is an excellent addition to your wellness regimen.


Rose essential oil is a fragrant oil that is hard to ignore. Most people adore rose oil aroma and for good reason. Rose oil can help reduce depression by boosting mood quickly. It also works by reducing adrenaline levels to balance out your hormones. This oil can be used in a diffuser, topically, in a bath and so on. Adding a few drops to bath water makes a world of difference.


This is a versatile oil that comes with a host of mood lifting properties. It reduces nervous tension, restores energy and calms your nerves. It balances your emotions to give you a feeling of wellness. In fact, people who have strict deadlines for work can boost their emotions using jasmine oil.

Other Oils

The list of mood boosting oils to talk about is endless. Frankincense for example enhances your mood by balancing your nervous system. Basil works by stimulating the adrenal glands. Grapefruit boosts energy as well as ginger root. Other great oils for energy are juniper berry, thyme and pine. When you feel low, chances are that your energy stores are depleted and by boosting energy, you promote better mood. Wild orange is also a mood lifter and as you can see, you are spoilt for choice.


Enjoying the benefits of these oils can only be achieved when you buy 100% pure oils. It is best to source from a reputable seller. Carrier oils are a must when using the oils topically. If you have never used a certain oil, do a patch test on your inner alarm and see if there is a bad reaction. Essential oils should never be ingested because they can be toxic. Consider consulting a doctor before using these oils. You can also consult an aromatherapy expert for more information.

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Essential Oils And Mood Enhancement - The Science Behind It

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  1. 114. Sugawara Y., Hino Y., Kawasaki M., Hara C., Tamura K., Sugimoto N., Yamanishi Y., Miyauchi M., Masujima T., Aoki T. Alteration of perceived fragrance of essential oils in relation to type of work: A simple screening test for efficacy of aroma. 150. Sugawara Y., Shigetho A., Yoneda M., Tuchiya T., Yamada H., Matumura T., Hirano M. Versatile psychophysiological potencies of essential oils, when seen as a function of behavioral task assigned to the participants after inhalation.

  2. Thank you for this article. I can testify to its veracity. I particularly favour a blend of Jasmine and bergamot. ‘Jasmine for Joy’ as Valerie Ann Woodward would say.

  3. I never though about the smells of oil as a mood enhancemt. I have to admit that I when I smell lemon I think my house is so clean. Makes me happy I guess

  4. I use lavender and rosemary daily in my diffuser – there have been studies on both proving their effectiveness for stress relief and focus – look it up 😀

  5. This is amazingly effective when done properly. I hope bigger studies are done around this and more companies are regulated to prevent toxic products tainting this research

  6. Even though many people associate lavender scent with mosquito-repelents, it’s one of my most favourite scents ever! 😉 It’s relaxing and boosts my mood instantly!

  7. i KNEW scents helped like walking into your home and smelling lemon makes you feel and think clean house. I will be trying out some of these oils to see which ones work the best for me

  8. Even though many people associate lavender scent with mosquito-repelents, it’s one of my most favourite scents ever! 😉 It’s relaxing and boosts my mood instantly!

  9. This is amazingly effective when done properly. I hope bigger studies are done around this and more companies are regulated to prevent toxic products tainting this research

  10. I use lavender and rosemary daily in my diffuser – there have been studies on both proving their effectiveness for stress relief and focus – look it up 😀

  11. There’s sure to be skeptics about this out there….but my advice is to try this and see for yourself. Honestly, who doesn’t feel better after smelling wonderful aromas? Science or no science, it just makes common sense.

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