Can Essential Oils Help a Sunburn?

Can Essential Oils Help a Sunburn?

Summer is that exciting time of year that means more and more outdoor activities such as the park, picnics, and beach time. Even if you are pretty diligent when it comes to applying sunscreen, sometimes it just isn’t enough, and you lose your battle with the sun.

We all know how devastating and painful a sunburn can be and I am sure we have all tried our fair share of remedies to help alleviate the pain and burning that comes along with it, but have you ever stopped to consider the power of essential oils when it comes to helping you get through a painful sunburn? Just make sure to use dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil before you apply.

Treat Your Sunburn Naturally with Essential Oils

Essential oils offer you the opportunity to treat your sunburn in a more natural way. It is also a good way to keep your skin looking flawless and healthy while also doing their part to help improve your skin even further.

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  1. Wow I didn’t know you could use these oils! My husband lays ends up with a bad sunburn every summer. I’ll have to keep this in mind! Thank you for the information.

  2. I am so happy that I can use essential oils on sunburn!! I love lavender, so this is great that this will help me with my summer sunburns. Thank you!

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