The Benefits of Using Essential Oil for Back Pain Featured Image

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils for Back Pain

Last Updated on May 10, 2023 by Aditya

last update: May 8, 2023


Essential oils are natural compounds extracted from plants, fruits, and other parts of nature. They are used to create fragrances, flavorings, and medicines. Essential oils have many therapeutic benefits and can be used to alleviate pain and improve overall health. For centuries, people have used essential oils for various ailments, including back pain. In recent years, more research has been conducted on the effectiveness of essential oils for back pain relief and there is now a growing body of evidence to suggest that these natural remedies can be effective in reducing the discomfort associated with this condition.

Photo of an Old Man Having Back Pain

Top Essential Oils for Back Pain


Photo of a Peppermint Essential Oils

Peppermint essential oil is a powerful and beneficial remedy for back pain relief. Its cooling and refreshing properties make it an ideal choice for hot and muscle-related pains. Peppermint oil can be found in most stores that carry essential oils, and it has also been proven to increase circulation when used topically on the affected area.

In addition, peppermint essential oil can reduce inflammation, spasms, and discomfort from tension in the back muscles. Peppermint oil is widely available and affordable.


photo of lavender essential oils on a white table

Lavender essential oil is known for its calming qualities, so it makes sense that this potent oil would work wonders on sore backs too. When applied directly to the skin in a massage or compress form, lavender oil can help relax tense muscles and reduce inflammation to ease pain levels.

It’s also effective when taken internally as a supplement or tincture form since lavender has natural sedative effects that aid with restful sleep—an important component of back pain relief. Lavender oil is the most used to relieve pain of all essential oils.


Photo of a Eucalyptus Essential Oils

Eucalyptus essential oil is a great option for those looking to treat nerve pain, minor aches and pains associated with back pain without relying on over-the-counter medications or other medical treatments.

The anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus oil help reduce swelling from tension in the lower back area while its analgesic effects act as a natural numbing agent for muscle discomfort. Additionally, eucalyptus boosts blood circulation which helps carry away built-up toxins and lactic acid from sore areas more quickly, allowing them to heal efficiently over time.


Photo of a Rosemary Essential Oils

Rosemary essential oil is loaded with anti-oxidants which help minimize tissue damage caused by inflammation in the lower back area due to poor posture or physical strains like lifting objects improperly.

Additionally, rosemary oil has a warming quality helps stimulate circulation around problem areas and relieve muscularspasms often associated with chronic back pain conditions such as sciatica or arthritis discomfort in the spine area.

Clary Sage

Photo of a Clary Sage Essential Oils

Clary sage essential oil contains numerous powerful components like beta-caryophyllene which have been scientifically studied for their effects on soothing muscle cramps associated with back ailments like fibromyalgia or spinal stenosis among others where heightened sensitivity may be present due to nerve compression issues near vertebrae discs throughout the core region of one’s spine structure.


Photo of a Basil Essential Oils

Basil essential oil is especially useful for localized pockets of pain stemming from muscular sprains immediately following injury or pinched nerves related to sitting too long in one position at work all day.


Photo of a Ginger Essential Oils

Ginger essential oil is derived from the root of the ginger plant and has been used for centuries to treat pain, indigestion, nausea, and fever. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an ideal choice for reducing inflammation associated with back pain. Research suggests that topically applied ginger oil may provide relief from joint and muscle pain by reducing swelling and relieving stiffness.

Its analgesic properties can also help relieve discomfort in your lower back by blocking prostaglandin synthesis and inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme activity. When combined with other oils such as lavender or chamomile, ginger oil can provide even better relief without any side effects. A carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil is key when using ginger essential oil topically.


Photo of a Marjoram Essential Oils

Marjoram essential oil is a popular choice for treating back pain and pain management due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic or pain relief properties. It is known to help reduce inflammation caused by injuries such as sprains, strains and arthritis, which often lead to chronic back pain.

Research suggests that topically applied marjoram essential oil can block pro-inflammatory compounds and provide relief from joint and muscle discomfort. It also has antispasmodic properties which can help reduce cramps associated with back pain. The oil is also known to be sedative in nature, helping to relax sore muscles and reduce stress related aches. Marjoram essential oil has no known side effects when used correctly.

Ylang Ylang

Photo of a Ylang Ylang Essential Oils

Ylang ylang essential oil is derived from the flowers of the ylang-ylang tree and has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, including muscle pain and back pain. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which make it an ideal choice for reducing inflammation and providing relief from joint and muscle discomfort associated with back pain.

Research suggests that topical application of ylang ylang essential oil may provide relief from chronic lower back pain by normalizing neurotransmitters in the body, while also helping reduce stress levels which can worsen back pain. Its calming effects also help reduce anxiety and tension which can lead to further aches and pains. Ylang ylang essential oil has no known side effects when used correctly.

Applying Essential Oils For Back Pain

Photo of a Woman Having Back Pain in Car

Applying essential oils for back pain relief can be done in a number of ways. For topical application, mix a few drops with a carrier oil and gently massage into the affected area. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of essential oils to your bath for a soothing effect and to relax the muscles.

You may also want to try using a diffuser with ylang ylang or marjoram essential oils to fill the air with their calming aroma. Inhaling these essential oils can help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as produce analgesic effects which may provide relief from back pain.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects To Using Oils For Back Pain?

While essential oils for back pain are generally safe to use, improper use or overuse can result in skin irritation or sensitization. Pure essential oils are the best. Additionally, it is important to speak with an aromatherapist or healthcare professional before using these oils for muscle aches or otherwise as they may interact with certain prescription medications. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in moderation and dilute them in a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil when applying topically. Diluted essential oils are safer for treating pain.

Tips on How To Avoid Back Pain in the First Place

Practicing good posture and maintaining proper form while exercising can help reduce the risk of developing back pain. Additionally, stretching daily can help keep the muscles and ligaments around the spine flexible. It is also important to stay active.

Make sure to take frequent breaks throughout the day so that your body does not become overworked or strained by sitting for long periods of time. Massage therapy also tackle muscle soreness preventing chronic pain. Finally, be mindful of your diet and make sure to drink plenty of water as dehydration can be associated with back pain.


Overall, back pain can be a troubling condition for many individuals. However, by following the tips outlined above, you can help prevent and manage it. From exercising regularly and maintaining proper posture to stretching and staying hydrated, there are many simple things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing or worsening back pain. While using essential oils for back pain has potential benefits in managing this condition, it is important to consult with an aromatherapist or healthcare professional before using them as they may interact with certain medications and improper use can lead to skin irritation or sensitization.


Is peppermint essential oil good for back pain?

Peppermint essential oil is known for its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate back pain. While it is not a cure for back pain, some individuals find relief by using it as a complementary therapy. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils for any medical condition.

Which oil is best for lower back pain massage?

There are several oils that can be used for lower back pain massage. Some popular options include; lavender essential oil, rosemary essential oil, and ginger essential oil. Always remember to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (e.g., coconut or almond oil) before applying them to the skin, and consult a healthcare professional before using them for any medical condition.

Does aromatherapy work for back pain?

Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, may provide some relief for back pain, depending on the individual. Certain essential oils, such as lavender oil, rosemary oil and ginger oil, can help relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and stimulate blood circulation. Aromatherapy can be used in various ways, such as massages, diffusers, or baths. While it might not address the root cause of back pain, it could provide temporary relief and relaxation.

What is the strongest essential oil for pain?

There isn’t a single “strongest” essential oil for pain, as different essential oils have different properties and may work differently for individuals. However, some essential oils are known for their pain-relieving properties and can be more effective for certain types of pain which include lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil and ginger essential oil.

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  1. Thanks for making this blog post and letting readers of it know what some of the best essential oils to use for back pain are and the benefits they can provide for back pain if they’re used. If I’m ever experiencing back pain in the future, I would definitely be interested in using some of the essential oils shared in this post to try to ease it.

  2. Love that there are a lot of choices/scents. More importantly they are organic. I do have back pain, not as bad as some people but at my age it is expected.

  3. Aromatherapy was great for my asthma as a supplement to the medical treatment I was using. I struggle with thick mucus that restricts my breathing and peppermint,tea tree and eucalyptus oil in steam water breaks it up. Would recommend it to others, but they should ask their doctor first.

  4. You would not believe how timely this is! My daughter has been having quite an issue with back pain because of needing to be at a computer all day for work… and then some of her craft work also gives her problems with straining her neck and back. Thank you for this… I can’t wait to share it with her!

  5. Thank you for sharing this useful information. I suffer from back pain from time to time and this is a great way to alleviate the discomfort.

  6. Essential oils are just that, essential to cure many ailments! Backpain is not something I would immediately think to cure with essential oils, but I will keep this in mind. Thank you.

  7. I hate it when I wake up with a back pain that comes out of nowhere. Maybe because sometimes we just mess our posture while sleeping. Thankfully essential oils are always there for the rescue! Thank you for this nice article!

  8. I’ve been using Lavender and peppermint oils for years. I’ll definitely look into some of the others that you mentioned for my back pain.

  9. I never knew essential oils could be so effective for back pain! Definitely going to give peppermint and lavender oils a try. Thanks for the informative article!

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