What Essential Oils Help Lower Back Pain ? Featured image

What Essential Oils Help Lower Back Pain?

Back pain can turn an average day into a nightmare, especially when it’s in the lower portion of your back. It can be difficult to sit, stand, or even lie down unless you can find a position that gives you some relief.

Those who are required to sit at a desk for a majority of their workday are commonly more prone to lower back pain, but the pain can strike anyone at any time. From muscle strains to osteoporosis, the multiple causes of lower back pain all add up to one thing: misery. As we delve deeper into the many causes of back pain, we will also explore what essential oils help lower back pain, offering natural relief options.

The Many Causes of Back Pain

photo of an adult woman having lower back pain  while working with a laptop

1. Muscle or Ligament Strain

Repeated heavy lifting or sudden awkward movements can strain your back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you’re in poor physical condition, constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms.

2. Bulging or Ruptured Disks

Disks act as cushions between the bones (vertebrae) in your spine. The soft material inside a disk can bulge or rupture and press on a nerve, causing back pain.

3. Arthritis

Osteoarthritis can affect the lower back. In some cases, arthritis in the spine can lead to a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, a condition called spinal stenosis.

4. Skeletal Irregularities

A condition called scoliosis, where your spine curves to the side, can also lead to back pain, but generally not until middle age.

5. Osteoporosis

Your spine’s vertebrae can develop compression fractures if your bones become porous and brittle due to osteoporosis.

6. Sedentary Lifestyle

Lack of exercise, sitting for prolonged periods, and a sedentary lifestyle can result in back pain. This is because your muscles become weak, and there’s added stress on your spine.

7. Poor Posture

Slouching or hunching over your desk or steering wheel can cause strain on your back muscles and spinal ligaments, leading to back pain over time.

8. Psychological Conditions

Research has shown that people who are depressed or anxious are more likely to experience back pain. Stress can also result in muscle tension, leading to discomfort.

9. Smoking

Smokers have increased rates of back pain. This could be because smoking prompts more coughing, which can lead to herniated disks. Smoking can also decrease blood flow to the spine and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

10. Obesity

Being overweight puts added pressure on your spine and can contribute to back pain.

Understanding the root cause of your back pain is imperative to treating it effectively. If you’re suffering from persistent back pain, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to diagnose the issue and determine the best course of treatment. A certified aromatherapist can also guide you into using essential oils for treating back pain.

Pain Relief That Does Not Involve a Prescription

Lower back pain can range in severity from mild to excruciating. Those with more intense levels of pain often turn to over-the-counter or prescription pain killers that can bring quick relief, but taking them too often can result in a variety of side effects. 

Those who prefer natural remedies might turn to pain relief that includes alternating heat and cold, a message, or use of a topical ointment. Using essential oils for back pain is another natural way to bring relief for those who prefer to limit their NSAID intake.

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils for Back Pain

photo of peppermint essential oil lying on the ceramic

1. Natural Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of essential oils is their natural pain-relieving properties. Oils like lavender and eucalyptus contain compounds that can help reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

2. Stress Reduction

Stress can often exacerbate back pain. Oils such as chamomile and lavender are known for their calming effects, which can help reduce stress and tension in the body. This can indirectly contribute to easing back pain.

3. Improved Sleep

Poor sleep can worsen back pain. Certain essential oils such as: lavender oil and vetiver are known to promote better sleep. A good night’s sleep can aid in the healing process of the body and help manage pain better.

4. Enhanced Circulation

Some essential oils like rosemary oil and thyme can help improve blood circulation. Better blood flow can aid in faster recovery from injuries and reduce inflammation, thus helping with back pain relief.

5. Muscle Relaxation

Essential oils like marjoram and peppermint have properties that can help relax tense muscles. Relaxing the muscles in your back can help alleviate discomfort and relieve pain too.

6. Mood Enhancement

The aromatic properties of essential oils can relieve back pain and also help uplift your mood. Feeling positive can have a significant impact on your perception of pain.

7. Easy to Use

Essential oils are easy to use. They can be diluted oil applied topically (always diluted in carrier oil), used in a diffuser, or added to bath water.

Remember, while essential oils can provide relief from pain, they should not replace medical treatment for any chronic pain or severe conditions. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment for treating pain.

Essential oil offer a natural, effective, and holistic approach to relieving the pain. They not only help alleviate muscle pain but also contribute to overall well-being by reducing stress, improving sleep, and enhancing mood.

What Essential Oils Help Lower Back Pain?

Some of the best essential oils for back pain include:

What Essential Oils Help Lower Back Pain ? Infographic by Organic Aromas

Important Safety Consideration

It’s important to use essential oil safely and responsibly. Here are some safety considerations to make sure you keep in mind:

Quality matters

Always use high-quality, pure essential oils from a reputable source. Low-quality essential oils may also not provide the same therapeutic benefits as many essential oils and could potentially contain harmful contaminants.

Dilution is key

Essential oils are concentrated and can cause skin irritation or adverse reactions if applied directly to the skin. It’s advisable to dilute them with a carrier oil (like an almond oil or jojoba oil) before topical application.

Avoid sensitive areas

Never apply essential oils to broken skin, mucous membranes, or sensitive areas like the eyes or mouth.

Allergic reactions

Some people may be allergic to certain essential oils. Always do a patch test on a small area of skin before applying the oil to a larger area.

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Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Certain essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Always consult your healthcare provider before using any new treatment.

Children and pets

Some essential oils can be harmful to children or pets. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children and consult your vet before using these oils around pets.


Ingesting essential oils can be dangerous and is generally not recommended unless under the guidance of a qualified professional.

Interaction with other medications

Essential oils for back pain can interact with certain medications or health conditions. If you’re taking any medication or have a health condition, consult your healthcare provider before using essential oils.

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Final Thoughts

Essential oils can be a natural and effective aid in managing pain in the back. They offer a holistic approach to pain management that avoids the side effects often associated with pharmaceutical treatments. Oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help soothe muscle tension and reduce pain.

However, while oils can provide relief, they should not replace professional medical advice or be used as a standalone treatment for chronic or severe pain. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen. Furthermore, it’s important to use these oils correctly and safely, usually through dilution and topical application, to avoid skin irritation or other adverse effects. As part of a comprehensive pain management plan, essential oils can help improve quality of life for those suffering from this pain.

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  1. I made a mix of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender oils with a carrier oil! I popped the ball out of a large rollerball out of a deodorant roller container, throughly washed it and found how to remove the balls with scotch tape! Works like a gem! Be sure the ball is wiped dry, roll it around a few times with tissue! Stick one end of the tape on the side of the ball and carefully push it through until it comes out the other side! Once it’s through wind the ends together and pull the ball out ???? It really works. I put 30 drops of each in and filled the rest with olive oil! It is so refreshing and soothing! I’m a house cleaner and 63! I need my knees strong and hips! What a life saver! I use melaleuca and young living oils ????

  2. Please proof read and correct your spelling errors.
    Massage not message, etc. Just a heads up on presentation for the type of products you want to sell. All of the many pop ups interfer with reading about your products. Thought you would want to know. Thank you.

  3. Thankfully I don’t suffer from lower back pain very often; however, I do experience bouts of sciatic pain. I wonder where I’d massage one of the contact oils for that?

  4. I do suffer backpain, mostly because I’ve got a memory foam mattress which I thought would help it, but is just making it worse! I have to buy a new softer mattress, which will be better for my neck, in which I have a slipped disc, as well, but your tips here should be useful in the meantime and probably after if it keeps hurting, thank you!!

  5. It’s truly just amazing how much relief peppermint oil gives me for pain. Your article was very interesting. I’m going to try using eucalyptus oil next. Thank you

  6. Thank you for this informative post! I did not know essentials could help lower back pain and I would much rather try these than prescription meds that make me sick.

  7. Eucalyptus for me would be perfect. Not much beats the smell of the Australian bush. I never would have thought I could use that on my back.

  8. Thank you so much for this. I have had severe hip and back pain since my pregnancy 5 years ago which has disabled me to the point that I can barely walk even with crutches. I’ve just come out of hospital following some very sever side effects from Tramadol usage and am struggling to find any pain relief, this is so helpful to me.

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