What Essential Oils Do You Need This Summer

What Essential Oils Do You Need This Summer?

Summer is finally here, bringing with it an array of beautiful things – new life, beautiful flowers and trees all blooming. With it, however, also come things which cause a lot of us to suffer through the summer months, such as pollen, weeds, and even some flowers. If, like so many of us out there, you have found yourself once again the victim of summer allergies, then essential oils may be able to help! We’ve gathered three of the essential oils that work great for relieving some of that summer funk to help get you back in the game!


Lavender essential oil has a very fresh, slightly sweet and floral aroma to it, and is great for relieving a number of ailments, not just for summer, but year-round! The color of the oil itself is clear, with just a tinge of yellow, and it has a particularly thin consistency. It’s many uses include relief from anxiety and athlete’s foot, itching and stretch marks, but it is also great for:

  • Minor cuts and scrapes – this is due to its anti-bacterial qualities;
  • Insect bites;
  • Reducing the appearance of scars, and;
  • Mild burns.
Lavender Essential Oil


    Rosemary essential oil is quite sweet and ever so slightly medicinal in aroma, but don’t let that slight quality deter you from using this essential oil this summer. It’s a great choice for anyone looking to take a long road trip or vacation, or gearing up to study for your summer exams, as it’s great for assisting in memory retention. Alongside that, rosemary is also a great essential oil to use for things such as:

    • Aching muscles;
    • Dandruff and general hair care, and;
    • Exhaustion.
    Rosemary Essential Oil

      Ylang Ylang

      Out of the three essential oils we’ve talked about today, ylang-ylang has one of the most beautiful aromas. Floral, sweet, and slightly fruity, this essential oil is fragrant without being too harsh, and great for a multitude of summer woes. If you’re someone who likes to meditate or has anxiety or stress-related problems, ylang-ylang may be able to help you focus and calm your nerves. It’s also great for:

      • Combating oily skin and acne (can be harsh on sensitive skin);
      • Calm heart palpitations due to anxiety.
      Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

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        What Essential Oils Do You Need This Summer


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        1. Finally got my shipment with raindrop nebulizer. Wasn’t available in my first choice of colour, but still is nice. Really like the LED lights in it too.

        2. Lavender, rosemary, and ylang ylang are all good essential oils. I think I’d have to pick Rosemary out of that bunch. All good picks!

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