3 Natural Ways to Help Nerve Pain

3 Natural Ways to Help Nerve Pain

If you experience nerve pain, then you may know how debilitating this pain can be. From a stabbing pain that may hit you in the middle of the night to uncontrolled nerve pain that is strong and persistent; you would go to any lengths possible to find a way to help alleviate or control this pain.

If you have already tried topical painkillers, supplements, and other medicinal ways to help with nerve pain but find they only provide temporary relief and are met with more side effects than you expected, then it might be time to consider a more natural way to help nerve pain.

The Natural Approach to Nerve Pain

When we talk about a more natural approach, we are talking about ways to help reduce the pain that does not involve medicinal measures. The following are three natural ways you can help nerve pain.


To naturally release endorphins and help with nerve pain, walking and participating in daily exercise can help improve blood flow and help restore your nerves.

Going for a daily walk and stretching your muscles is a natural way to go about treating the pain and will also improve your mood at the same time.

Watch Your Diet

Alongside exercise, a proper and balanced diet is also important. Make sure you are providing your body with plenty of B Vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Vitamin C.

Avoiding foods like artificial sweeteners and eating more raw food may also be effective in combatting nerve pain.

3 Natural Ways to Help Nerve Pain

Use Essential Oils

Finally, essential oils are also a great way to help nerve pain and are natural and safe to use. The following are a few essential oils that can help treat nerve damage:

Chamomile: this oil has anti-neuralgic properties which actually help to constrict the blood vessels surrounding the nerve, which ultimately helps relieve nerve pressure.

Marjoram: this oil can help with the pain and can also help heal. It is a good oil to introduce to your lifestyle to help strengthen your immune system.

Helichrysum: this oil acts as a natural nervine and can also help strengthen the immune system when used on a daily basis. It can also help prevent any further damage to the nerves if there has been an injury. Additionally, it is a great oil to use to help reduce the stress levels you may often experience due to the frustration that comes hand in hand with nerve pain.

Lavender: this oil is known to help several things, and nerve pain is among them. This oil can help calm your nerves and lower stress and tension levels.

You can even add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your nebulizing diffuser before bed to help calm and relax you. This is especially helpful if you are one of those people that experience most of your nerve pain at night. It is an excellent way to calm down and relax before going to bed.

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3 Natural Ways to Help Nerve Pain

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  1. What a wonderful way to treat pain. I love that it’s natural and isn’t an addicting drug. My daughter is always in great pain and this would benefit her so much.

  2. I know exercise helps some, but a lot of days I just say forget it because of the pain. So I am going to have to try to get my exercise and try a proper diet and give essential oils a try as well. I really really hope I can get it to work and keep at my exercise. Thanks for the tips!!!

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