3 Ways to Help Relieve Stress for Exams
When exam time comes around, students everywhere scramble to study. The late nights, the take-out food, and the long hours can take a toll on the body. Not only is there the stress of doing well on exams, but there are also the added effects that lack of sleep and intense studying can take on the body.
Physiological Effects of Stress on the Brain
Stress can affect anyone who is going through something difficult in life. Though small bits of stress can keep the senses in check, chronic stress can lead to long-term issues. Stress triggers physiological reactions that can be problematic over time as they can harm both the body and the brain. Studies show that chronic stress can actually shrink the brain, which leads to cognitive impairment by affecting the area of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning.
Other physiological effects of stress can include:
- Forgetfulness
- Reduced problem solving skills
- Irritability
- Apathy
- Depression
- Anxiety
Physical Effects of Stress On The Body
Physical effects of stress can be even more concerning, as they can lead to significant problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Chronic stress can cause the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems to stop working properly. Common physical effects of stress can manifest as:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Chest pain
- Insomnia
- Stomach pain and nausea

Three Ways to Reduce Stress
Too much stress at any time can be bad for your health, but at exam time, the stress can intensify causing a loss of focus and an inability to retain information, which can lead to even more stress. It’s a cycle that must be broken. In order to give yourself every opportunity to do well during exam season, here are three ways you can relieve stress when it matters the most.
1) Make time for rest and exercise – It is important to get enough sleep when your body is going through a stressful time. Sleep is when the brain and body repair/rejuvenate, so get those 40 winks whenever you can. Even short naps can be beneficial.
It’s just as important to get some exercise when you’re dealing with stress. Take time out to play tennis, take a hike, or do some yoga. Exercise can release feel-good hormones in your brain and ease tension in your body.
2) Watch what you eat – It might be easy to grab fast food, but the items you find at the drive-thru won’t nourish your brain and body. Be sure that meals include plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Stay away from processed foods that can weigh you down. They often contain high levels of sodium that can make you feel bloated and elevate your blood pressure. By eating small meals regularly you won’t experience a dip in blood sugar levels. Also try to steer clear of caffeine, which is a stimulant that can make you jittery.
3) Use essential oils – There are many ways in which essential oils can help ease stress during exam times, as well as at other times in your life. Use them in an essential oil diffuser, inhale right from the bottle, or dilute in a carrier oil and use for a relaxing massage.
Lavender essential oil is highly beneficial for helping relieve insomnia. It contains calming properties that can lead to a better night of rest.
Neroli essential oil can be used to help soothe the symptoms of anxiety during test time. In one study, Neroli oil was found to have anxiety-relieving properties that have a calming effect on the brain and body.
Ylang-ylang essential oil can reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also improve your mood. One study showed that using ylang-ylang oil improved the self-esteem of the participants, which can be very helpful to college students at a time when confidence is important.
Peppermint essential oil can be used to relieve nausea and ease headaches, but it can also help improve performance or energize your mood. Studies have shown that peppermint oil can improve physical performance in athletes, as well as visual and audio reaction times. Peppermint oil can also increase memory, improve problem-solving abilities, and increase retention.
Essential oils can also be used to boost energy levels and uplift mood. Some of the best essential oils to use during study time include:
• Orange
• Grapefruit
• Bergamot
• Lime
• Basil
• Eucalyptus
These stress relieving tips can be used by anyone who is battling a stressful situation. Whether its crunch-time at the office or chaos at home, these techniques can help you ease the tension and anxiety that comes along with everyday life.
Thank you for the information.
Thx for sharing this article! I really could have used all these tips when I was in college. But, I still graduated anyway! That’s all I wanted to add. Whether it’s high school or college, but especially high school, kids need to remember one really important things about exams, they are just tests! It may seem like the end of the world to someone if they do badly on an exam, but it is usually never as bad as one thinks. And, if someone does fail an exam, go talk to the teacher/professor. I learned in college that most teachers will cut you some slack, including retaking an exam, if you just TALK TO THEM! And DON’T make excuses! Simply tell them honestly why you think you did poorly. Maybe you didn’t understand the material enough, maybe you didn’t go to class enough, or maybe you just have test anxiety and freaked out! It happens! But all a teacher knows by your test is how well you scored. That’s like reading a scale to see what kind of person you are. And one last thing, go easy on yourself if you do badly on an exam and make a conceded effort to do better! Oh and P.S. Cramming DOES work! But you will also forget EVERYTHING as soon as you’ve taken the test! Thx again for sharing this!
Nice to know about these.
When I was in college, I was in my late 30’summer and learned about the relaxation properties of lavender. Now I always have lavender scented candles in my home.
Nice article! For me the best is Frankincense oil, I like to use it before bedtime.
Essential oils are the best for “self love”, running a diffuser with oils is the perfect way to center my thoughts and help me to de-stress and focus in the important things!
I love essential oils. I’ve been using them and other ways of natural healing for decades. If not for the oils, I would have long ago been put on some serious meds and then I wouldnt have a life with my family
I need this. Thank you!
My daughters told me about the benefits of the different aromas and also of oils. They have helped me with some of the pains in my hands and the aromas help me with the stress I go through because of my physical condition. I’m still learning about what the different aromas help with different stressful situations. This was pin worthy! Thank you for sharing!
I didn’t know all that about ylang ylang!
These are good also make sure you get enough sleep and exercise balance perfectly.
Thanks. Really helpful. Will definitely apply this knowledge.
I love using essential oils to help manage my daily stress. 🙂
Great & useful ideas—thank you!
Wish I had known this in college. My son starts college next week so it’s good information to have. Thanks!
For me the best is lavender oil. I love it. Time to try another one.
Smells really help me and unwind after a stressful day!
Lots of good information about ways to take care of stress with essential oils. I am a big fan of lavender
Nice article
Healthy fats are key.
I expected a longer more in-depth list.
Thanks, a very handy EO list for stressful days!
Eucalyptus is one of my favorite’s! Thanks for the tips!
Love to hear different things about essential oils.
Thank you for this info. This should definitely be tought in schools. 🙂
It took me year to find a way to manage my stress and anxiety, until I finally tried essential oils. Since then my whole life has changed for the better! 🙂
Some of my favorite oils! Great info!
Great info. I used to relieve the stress of exams by being very prepared, getting lots of sleep, eating healthy and meditation to relax.
Good to know.
Will tell my family about this
This (stress) is the one area of my life where I always need the most help. Thanks for these tips, many of which I have begun to incorporate into my daily routine. I have personally found peppermint gives me the boost I need to stay focused and energized.
Need to work on getting enough sleep. Love diffusing any of the citrus oils with petitgrain or neroli to relieve stress. Thanks for such an informative article.
I wish I knew this when I was sitting for the exams. Thanks for this info.
I definitely agree that eating healthy can help with anxiety and also I personally use my oils when I know we are having a meeting at the store
I love to use essential oils to focus!
Big fan of citrus it really energies me
I think everyone could use stress relief by using Organic Aromas essential oils
These all sound really interesting, might look at using some of these in order to help with stress at work. Exams are behind me though, wish I knew about essential oils back then.
Lavender and Peppermint essential oils are my favourite go-to for my kids! I diffuse both oils in my Spinal Flow practice, especially to help release stress that causes symptoms such as headaches, low energy, ear-ache, chronic fatigue, anxiety, sinus problems, neck pain, allergies, food sensitivity, sore-throats, colds, etc.. Thanks for article. More people should be aware of how chronic stress affects our health expression.
Smells help, definitely lots of stress comes with exams of all types. Great remedy ideas.
These all ring true – and for any type of stress it is mindful to watch these. I especially feel the effects of diet linked to my moods and fatigue.
This is such great information. I could have used this during my college days but it’s just in time for my step-son who’ll be starting college soon. I can get some blends going for him with the information that I’ve received from this great blog! Thank you so much!