How to Make Your Own Essential Oil Blends

How To Make Your Own Essential Oil Blends

There is nothing more rewarding than creating your own signature scents for aromatherapy. The vehicle to achieving this goal at home are the tools and skills and If you don’t have prior knowledge on how to blend, creating your desired scents can be challenging. The good news is that you can easily learn how to do it! No matter how much you know about essential oils – this guide shows you how to get started.

Pointers To Effective Blending

1. What Do You Want To Achieve With Your Blend?

Before thinking about lavender, rose or your other favorite aroma, it is critical to know why you are creating a blend in the first place. If you know a little about essential oils, you definitely know that they have a variety of therapeutic effects, from energizing the body to calming the nerves and boosting the quality of sleep. In other words, what problem do you want to solve with a blend? Answering this question helps you narrow down the best oils to blend as you consider the next step.

2. Get Some Information On Essential Oil Properties

Learning about essential oils and their properties is key to quality blending. Search online for authoritative information about constituents found in essential oils. Here, you should learn about the best oils for aches, stress relief, energy, focus and more. You will also learn which oils blend well together. Make sure you get your facts right and when in doubt, consult an aromatherapy expert. From this research, you should shortlist a few essential oil options that fit your requirements.

3. Source Quality Essential Oils

Quality oils are a must for effective aromatherapy. This is why due diligence is paramount. Look for trusted sellers who have been in the industry for some time. Use verified user reviews and ratings to compare various brands. Good sellers take time to provide detailed information about every oil they sell. Also, compare prices and avoid very cheap oils. Organic Aromas makes your work easier by providing you with a wide array of quality pure and organic oils. You also get all blending tools necessary to start creating your own blended scents.

4. Consider Essential Oil Categories

Blending is a creative process where you can combine anything you wish to make awesome blends. However, oils are categorized in families including spicy, woodsy, minty, citrusy, earthy and so on. These categories allow you to choose various similar scents as you combine them with others. As alluded to above, blending is not cast in stone. Be as creative as possible even as you consider varied category combinations. Generally, spicy aromas blend well with other spicy scents, for example. Spicy scents can also be combined with citrus, floral or woodsy scents.

How To Make Your Own Essential Oil Blends

5. Understand Essential Oil Notes

Before we start mixing essential oils it’s important to understand that not all scents behave the same. Some scents evaporate faster than others upon exposure to the air. This literally means that some aromas last longer. In light of this fact, scents are arranged in notes. There are top notes, middle notes and base notes. Top notes are light and are detected first but do not last long, an example being floral scents. Middle notes last longer than top notes and evaporate faster than base notes. They are harmonious aromas that balance out different scents. Spicy scents are middle notes. Base notes last longest – they are deep and heavy. Many oils derived from barks, roots and trees are base notes. A good example of a base note is Frankincense.

6. Gather Your Blending Tools

To begin putting all the information above to work, you obviously need essential oils. You also need tools like glass bottles, carrier oils, droppers among others. For utmost safety, use gloves and eye protection while handling essential oils. Organic Aromas Essential Oil Lab Kit has all the tools you need. Also, get high quality essential oils and start blending conveniently.

7. Blending Ratio Is Key

There are many ways to determine oil ratios when blending. The most common way is the 30-50-20 Rule. This means that you use 30% top note oil, 50% middle note oil and 20% base note oil. Some people use their nose as a guide on ratios. Being creative as you experiment with ratios is part of the fun.

8. Take Advantage of Blending Guides

For expert practical blending guides and tips, Organic Aromas has a new eBook that takes you step by step. This resource is called Transform Your Life With These 10 Therapeutic Essential Oil Blends. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience blending, this guide allows you to enjoy as you learn.

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How To Make Your Own Essential Oil Blends

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  1. Great information. You definitely want to stick with a quality brand. I bought some inexpensive oils when I first got an oil diffuser. They were terrible! You want to make sure you have a scent you like that isn’t a weak faint scent.

  2. This blog has some amazing information for me to use when I try to make my own blends. I will definitely keep the 30-50-20 rule in mind when blending to make MY oil.

  3. My therapist suggested essential oils to help with my anxiety. She gave me a small vial to apply to my wrists when i was feeling nervous. I was shocked at how much it helped me. This is good information to know because it does work

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