Refine Your Senses With Organic Aromas
Everyone needs a little boost from time to time. We don’t get enough sleep, we fall victim to stress and worry and anxiety, and all of the chaos of the busy lives we lead can lead to us feeling sluggish and not at all like ourselves. This can really have a strong impact on our outlook on life.
Thanks to essential oils, we can get that boost that we need to put that pep we need back into our step, and help us to feel energized, calm, and collected to face each day. The best part of this is that they are natural, inexpensive and easy to use in our homes, work and personal life, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money getting a certificate or going to an aromatherapist in order to achieve the results you need.
If greater focus and increasing mental acuity is what you’re looking for, we have the essential oils for you. Each of these can be used with one of our Essential Oils Diffusers to keep your home smelling great and your mind at ease.
Rosemary has a very sharp scent that is great for memory enhancement. Whether you’re having trouble remembering your schedule, important dates, or just having difficulties with recollection in general, rosemary essential oil may be able to help you. It can be used in a diffuser, in the bath, or you can even rub a drop on your wrists or palms to help you achieve balance and a fresher memory.
Is another powerful fragrance that can help increase alertness and refresh your mind. This oil is common and many people use it to help clear the sinus and treat respiratory problems. Eucalyptus has a camphorous and minty scent, and can help to greatly improve your concentration with a very pungent, fresh and crisp aroma permeating throughout your home.
If you’re having trouble waking up in the morning, then you might try spearmint essential oils to help wake you up and boost your energy. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to stimulate your appetites, wean yourself off of coffee or just want to achieve the right mental state for a busy day full of activity.
If you are looking for something powerful, then peppermint might be more to your liking. This can be used in a diffuser or even a single drop added to your tea to help to boost your senses and get you going in the morning. Not only that, but peppermint also helps to focus your mind and senses, leading to improved memory, and is also great for soothing headaches. It’s an all-around helper of an essential oil, and smells amazing, to boot!
Sweet Orange
If you’re needing a memory boost, sweet orange essential oil can also help. The scent is sweet and extremely refreshing, and can help relax you and clear your mind so it can work at full capacity. Because it helps you relax, it can boost your focus as well, so it makes a great study buddy, too.
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Very interesting.
Love it!
Such a fab read!
Como cada semana, ya tenemos una leccion de buena lectura. Gracias
Thanks for the EO primer!
I learn so much every time I read your blog posts! The more informed I become, the more I am determined to use essential oils for so many things other than just because they smell nice! Thanks fir all the great info!
I love eucalyptus! I have purchased the discovery collection. Its AWESOME! Its great for those who cant decide what oils they may or may not like…btw…I am IN LOVE with your blends! I also own two of your rainbow 2.0 diffusers and I will NEVER buy a water diffuser again! I love you guys!
I learn so much every time I read your blog posts! The more informed I become, the more I am determined to use essential oils for so many things other than just because they smell nice! Thanks fir all the great info!
I like the scent of orange for the essential oils.
I love the rosemary, thanks!
This is the best site for essential oil information.
I think that it is great that peppermint can soothe a headache!
I love your diffuser and oils. Thanks
The benefits are endless – thankyou for such a comprehensive review – will be invaluable
I like peppermint tea.
Thank you for the post. I had a horrible headache one day and peppermint oil provided me some relief. I look forward to trying rosemary oil to help boost my memory. Great info!
I love the rosemary, thanks!
Thank You for sharing the post. I’ll try out the mentioned oils to boost my concentration in an upcoming examination session at Uni!
You have to buy Organic Aromas, any of their products, you will not regret it. I promise you will love it! This is My second purchase and I’m planning to buy another mobile mini wireless rechargeable Nebulizing diffuser. What I love about this product is, how quickly the room is filled with my favorite essential oil‘s, and that it’s portable, and wireless. I simply Love this product!
Thank you for sharing this great information.
Great article showing the benefits of essential oils. Thank you!
Perfect for being well focused at work 🙂 thank you
Great post. All of these oils are fantastic for so many things.
I didn’t know Rosemary had so many uses. Thank you for sharing this information.
Spearmint is my favorite and helped me with some neurological things as well
I am a novice when it comes to essential oils of course I’ve heard of them and see them often online and in stores, however I am starting to learn how beneficial they are. This post was very helpful.
thanks for the tips
Thanks for the info
I love using EO in my office. Keeps me focused 🙂
I totally agree with the sweet orange, it is a must have for winter because it just makes you feel happier and energized and Organic Aromas have a good smelling sweet orange oil. My only issue is, as with some other of their oils, it is not recommended that the orange oil be diffused in their diffusers. So I am having to put it in my water diffusers and its diluted in smell at times. Any other ways to use this to get scent in the house without water and not using their nebulizing diffusers?
I totally agree with the sweet orange, it is a must have for winter because it just makes you feel happier and energized and Organic Aromas have a good smelling sweet orange oil. My only issue is, as with some other of their oils, it is not recommended that the orange oil be diffused in their diffusers. So I am having to put it in my water diffusers and its diluted in smell at times. Any other ways to use this to get scent in the house without water and not using their nebulizing diffusers?
I love ALL of these, especially peppermint and sweet orange!
I am a novice when it comes to essential oils of course I’ve heard of them and see them often online and in stores, however I am starting to learn how beneficial they are. This post was very helpful.
Spearmint is my favorite and helped me with some neurological things as well