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Essential Oils For Summer

Spring is past, and Summer is upon us. The changing seasons, rise in temperatures and longer days bring with them all the beautiful things that nature has to offer. Along with this, however, comes all the things that many of us are allergic to: pollen, weeds, insects, flowers, etc. If you, like so many others, are being hit in the senses by summer time and all the joys it beholds, don’t worry – essential oils can help! Here are some of the best summer essential oils to help you through the season.


Citronella essential oil has the citrusy scent of lemon combined with a woody scent as well. It can be used as an insect repellent (you may have heard of, or even used, citronella candles or tiki torches for your deck or porch outside), and can even be found in several products used for pesticide or even sunscreen. It can be added to beverages and candy, and can even help reduce spring and summer conditions such as:

  • Excessive perspiration
  • Fatigue
  • Headache


    Spearmint essential oil is like peppermint essential oil’s less pungent twin brother. You get the minty and slightly fruity aroma of mint without the sometimes overpowering and bright aroma that peppermint brings. It has many uses, such as:

    • Deodorizer and air freshener
    • Disinfectant
    • Bath and massage oil

    This essential oil can also be used to counteract the heat of summer by reducing the effects of exhaustion, headaches, and nausea.


    Even if you don’t like the taste of grapefruit, you can’t deny the lovely citrusy, tangy scent of grapefruit essential oil. It has energizing and cleansing properties without being too overpowering, and can really aid in easing ailments, such as:

    • Mental fatigue
    • Headaches

    This essential oil is also great for your hair and skin, as it’s detoxification properties can help renew the shine and health of your hair, and help your skin look and feel refreshed. It can be used as a massage oil to help with achy joints and muscles, and as an air freshener in the home.

    If these aren’t for you, Organic Aromas also has other wonderful essential oils available as well, including:

    • Eucalyptus
    • Lavender
    • Sweet Orange, and
    • Ylang Ylang

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