How to Support Your Thyroid With Essential Oils

How To Support Your Thyroid With Essential Oils

Your thyroid gland plays a pivotal role in your body. This small gland shaped like a butterfly makes and releases hormones that regulate a number of functions – including brain function, emotions and metabolism. When the thyroid is not functioning optimally or properly, it causes imbalances and all manner of thyroid conditions. Millions of people have to grapple with thyroid conditions everyday.

Recently, there has been focus on holistic healing through natural resources like essential oils. Supporting thyroid function using these aromatic oils is gaining ground and for good reasons. The following information delves into how you can support the thyroid using essential oils.

Best Essential Oils For Hyperthyroidism

An overactive thyroid gland overproduces the thyroid hormone. This condition is known as hyperthyroidism. Top signs that indicate this condition include muscle weakness, weight loss, anxiety, heart palpitations and more. Because of this hyperactivity, the thyroid becomes inflamed. Some essential oils can help improve symptoms of the condition. Below is a breakdown of the best oils and how they work.

Pine Essential Oil

When used topically, pine oil can reduce inflammation and has been used widely to restore sore joints. Because the oil is toxic, it should never be ingested or used without diluting.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

There are studies that demonstrate the effect of lemongrass oil on inflammation. With anti-inflammatory properties, you can use the oil topically on a swollen thyroid to get some relief.

Lavender Essential Oil

This oil is well known for its relaxation properties. If you are dealing with anxiety from hyperthyroidism, this is a great remedy. Diffusing some lavender will calm your mind and body as needed.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood oil is a potent anti anxiety agent. To this effect, you can treat anxiety by diffusing the oil in your home. You could also apply the oil topically to pressure points for good relief. Just make sure to use a quality aromatherapy diffuser to enjoy the best results.

Wintergreen Essential Oil

This essential oil has an active ingredient that works like aspirin. Therefore, it is a pain reliever that can be used to treat painful tired muscles and joint aches caused by hyperthyroidism.

Frankincense Essential Oil

This oil has a host of properties that relieve pain, boost immunity and tackle inflammation. If hyperthyroidism causes dry skin, this is the best remedy for you. It repairs and heals the skin accordingly. When applying the potent oil topically, always use a carrier oil to dilute it. Jojoba and almond oil work well as carriers.

How To Support Your Thyroid With Essential Oils

Best Essential Oils For Hypothyroidism

When your body underproduces thyroid hormones, you may suffer from a condition known as hypothyroidism. There are many symptoms associated with this problem including infertility, weight gain, joint pain and others. Some people may not show any signs when they are suffering from this condition. Essential oils can help deal with many of the symptoms. Keep in mind that oils may not replace thyroid hormones but they can help alleviate suffering caused by the health problem. Below are the best oils to consider for an underactive thyroid;

Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Clinical trials have confirmed that rose geranium oil has potent anti inflammatory properties. Therefore, inflammation caused by hypothyroidism can be managed this way. Topical application to the thyroid gland soothes an inflamed thyroid gland. If you are suffering from anxiety related to the problem, this oil is also beneficial.

Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint oil is one of the best known analgesics. It is particularly useful when you are battling joint pain caused by low thyroid hormones. The oil has also been found to promote blood circulation and can help ease the discomfort therein.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Excellent for treating dry skin, this oil can really help manage thyroid disorders. Dry skin is one of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Applying it topically should be done after diluting with carrier oils like jojoba and grapeseed oil.

Myrrh Essential Oil

This is one of the oldest remedies for inflammation. Myrrh can be blended with frankincense to have a better effect. To apply topically, use sweet almond as a carrier first. Inflammation caused by an underactive thyroid as well as dry skin can be managed this way.

Peppermint Essential Oil

One common symptom of hypothyroidism is a slowed metabolism. This is what makes it hard to lose weight and to gain weight fast. Peppermint oil can help with digestion. You can diffuse the oil to enjoy the merits or you can massage it on your belly. Some people will use food-grade peppermint to aid digestion. All in all, when used properly, this oil can spark digestion and get your metabolism going naturally.


When you are looking into supporting thyroid function using essential oils, taking necessary precautions is a must. First, you must consult a healthcare provider before using any oil. Secondly, you can never replace treatment for thyroid conditions with these oils; especially when the condition is severe.

Having said this, using oils as prescribed, can help alleviate common symptoms associated with thyroid dysfunction. Never use potent oil topically without diluting. Also, oils should never be ingested. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also avoid these oils where possible.


If you suspect that you have a thyroid disorder, see your doctor and get the necessary tests done. Once you are sure about your condition, get the right information on which oils can be of help to you. When used properly in the right doses, essential oils can support thyroid function and make your life easier. Always source oils from trusted dealers. Poor quality oils will not give you the desired results. Feel free to blend different oils when diffusing or applying topically, in aromatherapy, two oils are always better than one.

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How To Support Your Thyroid With Essential Oils


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  1. I personally don’t have thyroid issues but I use essential oils for many things. I will try anything to keep big Pharma out of my wallet. Thanks for all you do to educate people.

  2. I didn’t know essential oils could be used in this way. I use them in my diffuser for various things, and diy sprays for pain relief. This is interesting.

  3. I didn’t know essential oils could be used in this way. I use them in my diffuser for various things, and diy sprays for pain relief. This is interesting.

  4. I didn’t know that essential oil did all that for your thyroid. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 16 and all the doctors want to give me is levothyroxine. It doesn’t work for me. I feel worse when I’m on it so I just quit all together.

  5. When I read the part about the wintergreen oil, I was very intrigued. That oil sounds like it would be a great pain relief when applied to aching muscles!

  6. Thank you for the helpful information. I don’t know essential oils can help thyroid functions. It’s helpful that the article includes both hyper- and hypo- thyroidism. 🙂

  7. Thank you so much for this info! I’m 41 struggling with overactive thyroid right now and I also have Lupus. I’ve had several health problems in the past 4 years, including strokes, heart attack and congestive heart failure as well. I lost 160+ lbs in a year. With absolutely no explanation at all. No changes in anything. I’m still undergoing testing. I am traveling 5 hours Monday for an appointment at The University of VA for an appointment. Any info at all about oils or natural treatments is so appreciated! Thank you!💚💚

  8. I knew peppermint was good for digestion, but never knew the essential oil was so good for hypothyroidism. I am currently on medication for it, but after talking to my Doctor, I think I will try this.

  9. Love the information but not really affordable for everyone. I love the holistic health treatments, but more and of the holistic treatments are just as much as being on big pharmra’s cost for their medications. I would love to see holistic medications to be priced more towards people who are on fixed incomes.

  10. That is amazing how each oil helps the thyroid by taking them as prescribed . And how the oils can support thyroid function and make your life easier.

  11. this is so interesting – didn’t know the peppermint oil helped with thyroid issues! this is something I use regularly – thanks for the information – will now try to implement the other suggestions and see if I can get better results!

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